Source code for mpqp.core.instruction.barrier

"""A barrier is a purely cosmetic instruction. In fact, at execution it is
removed because it could have a negative impact on the execution speed of the
circuit (since it artificially increases the depth)."""

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

    from qiskit.circuit import Parameter

from mpqp.core.languages import Language

from .instruction import Instruction

[docs]class Barrier(Instruction): """Visual indicator of the grouping of circuit sections""" def __init__(self): super().__init__([0]) self.size = 0 """Size of the barrier (set to 0 by default)."""
[docs] def to_other_language( self, language: Language = Language.QISKIT, qiskit_parameters: Optional[set["Parameter"]] = None, ): if language == Language.QISKIT: from qiskit.circuit.library import Barrier as QiskitBarrier return QiskitBarrier(self.size)