from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC
from functools import reduce
from typing import Optional
from typeguard import typechecked
from import Matrix
from .gate import Gate
class ControlledGate(Gate, ABC):
"""Abstract class representing a controlled gate, that can be controlled by
one or several qubits.
controls: List of indices referring to the qubits used to control the gate.
targets: List of indices referring to the qubits on which the gate will be applied.
non_controlled_gate: The original, non controlled, gate.
label: Label used to identify the gate.
def __init__(
controls: list[int],
targets: list[int],
non_controlled_gate: Gate,
label: Optional[str] = None,
if len(set(controls)) != len(controls):
raise ValueError(f"Duplicate registers in controls: {controls}")
if len(set(controls).intersection(set(targets))):
raise ValueError(
f"Common registers between targets {targets} and controls {controls}"
self.controls = controls
"""See parameter description."""
self.non_controlled_gate = non_controlled_gate
"""See parameter description."""
Gate.__init__(self, targets, label)
[docs] def to_matrix(self, desired_gate_size: int = 0) -> Matrix:
import numpy as np
if len(self.controls) != 1 or len(self.targets) != 1:
from mpqp.core.instruction.gates.native_gates import SWAP
controls, targets = self.controls, self.targets
min_qubit, max_qubit = min(self.connections()), max(self.connections())
# If nb_qubits is not provided, calculate the necessary number of minimal qubits
if desired_gate_size == 0:
desired_gate_size = max_qubit - min_qubit + 1
controls = [x - min_qubit for x in controls]
targets = [x - min_qubit for x in targets]
elif desired_gate_size < max_qubit + 1:
raise ValueError(f"nb_qubits must be at least {max_qubit + 1}")
canonical_matrix = np.kron(
np.eye(2 ** (desired_gate_size - self.nb_qubits)),
permutations = set(
for idx in enumerate(controls + targets)
if idx[0] != idx[1] and not set(idx).issubset(controls)
swaps = [
SWAP(canonical_index, actual_index).to_matrix(desired_gate_size)
for canonical_index, actual_index in permutations
return reduce(, swaps[::-1] + [canonical_matrix] + swaps)
control, target = self.controls[0], self.targets[0]
if desired_gate_size != 0:
max_qubit = max(control, target) + 1
if desired_gate_size < max_qubit:
raise ValueError(f"nb_qubits must be at least {max_qubit}")
min_qubit = min(control, target)
control -= min_qubit
target -= min_qubit
desired_gate_size = abs(control - target) + 1
zero = np.diag([1, 0]).astype(np.complex64)
one = np.diag([0, 1]).astype(np.complex64)
non_controlled_gate = self.non_controlled_gate.to_matrix()
I2 = np.eye(2, dtype=np.complex64)
control_matrix = zero if control == 0 else I2
target_matrix = (
one if control == 0 else (non_controlled_gate if target == 0 else I2)
for i in range(1, desired_gate_size):
if i == control:
target_matrix = np.kron(target_matrix, one)
control_matrix = np.kron(control_matrix, zero)
elif i == target:
target_matrix = np.kron(target_matrix, non_controlled_gate)
control_matrix = np.kron(control_matrix, I2)
target_matrix = np.kron(target_matrix, I2)
control_matrix = np.kron(control_matrix, I2)
return control_matrix + target_matrix
def __repr__(self) -> str:
c = self.controls if len(self.controls) > 1 else self.controls[0]
t = self.targets if len(self.targets) > 1 else self.targets[0]
return f"{type(self).__name__}({c}, {t})"