"""In some cases, we need to manipulate unitary operations that are not defined
using native gates (by the corresponding unitary matrix for instance). For those
cases, you can use :class:`mpqp.core.instruction.gates.custom_gate.CustomGate`
to add your custom unitary operation to the circuit, which will be decomposed
and executed transparently."""
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
from typeguard import typechecked
from mpqp.tools import Matrix
from qiskit.circuit import Parameter
from mpqp.core.instruction.gates.gate import Gate
from mpqp.core.instruction.gates.gate_definition import UnitaryMatrix
from mpqp.core.languages import Language
class CustomGate(Gate):
"""Custom gates allow you to define your own unitary gates.
definition: The GateDefinition describing the gate.
targets: The qubits on which the gate operates.
label: The label of the gate. Defaults to None.
ValueError: the target qubits must be contiguous and in order, and must
match the size of the UnitaryMatrix
>>> u = UnitaryMatrix(np.array([[0,-1],[1,0]]))
>>> cg = CustomGate(u, [0])
>>> print(run(QCircuit([X(0), cg]), IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR))
State vector: [-1, 0]
Probabilities: [1, 0]
Number of qubits: 1
For the moment, only ordered and contiguous target qubits are allowed
when instantiating a CustomGate.
def __init__(
self, definition: UnitaryMatrix, targets: list[int], label: Optional[str] = None
self.definition = definition
"""See parameter description."""
if definition.nb_qubits != len(targets):
raise ValueError(
f"Size of the targets ({len(targets)}) must match the number of qubits of the "
f"UnitaryMatrix ({definition.nb_qubits})"
if not all([targets[i] + 1 == targets[i + 1] for i in range(len(targets) - 1)]):
raise ValueError(
"Target qubits must be ordered and contiguous for a CustomGate."
# 3M-TODO: add later the possibility to give non-contiguous and/or non-ordered target qubits for CustomGate,
# use the to_matrix() method inherited from Gate, maybe
super().__init__(targets, label)
def matrix(self) -> Matrix:
# TODO: move this to `to_canonical_matrix` and check for the usages
return self.definition.matrix
[docs] def to_matrix(self, desired_gate_size: int = 0):
return self.matrix
[docs] def to_canonical_matrix(self):
return self.matrix
[docs] def to_other_language(
language: Language = Language.QISKIT,
qiskit_parameters: Optional[set["Parameter"]] = None,
if language == Language.QISKIT:
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import Operator as QiskitOperator
if qiskit_parameters is None:
qiskit_parameters = set()
return QiskitOperator(self.matrix)
elif language == Language.QASM2:
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, qasm2
from mpqp.tools.circuit import replace_custom_gate
nb_qubits = max(self.targets) + 1
qiskit_circ = QuantumCircuit(nb_qubits)
instr = self.to_other_language(Language.QISKIT)
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import Operator as QiskitOperator
assert isinstance(instr, QiskitOperator)
list(reversed(self.targets)), # dang qiskit qubits order
circuit, gphase = replace_custom_gate(qiskit_circ.data[0], nb_qubits)
qasm_str = qasm2.dumps(circuit)
qasm_lines = qasm_str.splitlines()
instructions_only = [
for line in qasm_lines
if not (
or line.startswith("include")
or line.startswith("creg")
or line.startswith("OPENQASM")
return "\n".join(instructions_only), gphase
raise NotImplementedError(f"Error: {language} is not supported")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
label = ", " + self.label if self.label else ""
return f"CustomGate({UnitaryMatrix(self.matrix)}, {self.targets} {label})"
def decompose(self):
"""Returns the circuit made of native gates equivalent to this gate.
3M-TODO refine this doc and implement
raise NotImplementedError()