Source code for mpqp.core.instruction.gates.parametrized_gate

"""Some gate (such as CNOT for instance) do not need any parameters, but in
order to have a universal set of gates, one needs at least one parametrized
gate. This module defines the abstract class needed to define these gates as
well as a way to handle symbolic variables.

More on the topic of symbolic variable can be found in the `VQA <VQA.html>`_

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC
from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Complex
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

    from sympy import Expr

from typeguard import typechecked

from mpqp.core.instruction.gates.gate import Gate
from mpqp.core.instruction.gates.gate_definition import GateDefinition

# 3M-TODO: there might be a conception problem: to initialize a gate we need a gate
#  definition, the easiest for a definition is to compute the matrix, the
#  computation of the matrix requires self.parameters which only exist after the
#  initialization of ParametrizedGate. For now this problem is manually tackled
#  by instantiating self.parameters before the computation of the gates's
#  definition but this solution looks like a conception problem...

[docs]@typechecked class ParametrizedGate(Gate, ABC): """Abstract class to factorize behavior of parametrized gate. Args: definition: Provide a definition of the gate (matrix, gate combination, ...). targets: List of indices referring to the qubits on which the gate will be applied. parameters: List of parameters used to define the gate. label: Label used to identify the measurement. """ def __init__( self, definition: GateDefinition, targets: list[int], parameters: list[Expr | float], label: Optional[str] = None, ): Gate.__init__(self, targets, label) self.definition = definition """See parameter description.""" self.parameters = parameters """See parameter description.""" self._numeric_parameters = False
[docs] def subs( self, values: dict[Expr | str, Complex], remove_symbolic: bool = False ) -> ParametrizedGate: from sympy import Expr concrete_gate = deepcopy(self) options = getattr(self, "native_gate_options", {}) concrete_gate.definition = concrete_gate.definition.subs( values, remove_symbolic, **options ) caster = lambda v: float(v) if remove_symbolic else v concrete_gate.parameters = [ caster(param.subs(values)) if isinstance(param, Expr) else param for param in self.parameters ] concrete_gate._numeric_parameters = True return concrete_gate
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.parameters},{self.targets})"