"""Information about the state can be retrieved using the expectation value of
this state measured by an observable. This is done using the :class:`Observable`
class to define your observable, and a :class:`ExpectationMeasure` to perform
the measure."""
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
from numbers import Complex
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from typeguard import typechecked
from sympy import Expr
from qiskit.circuit import Parameter
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
from qat.core.wrappers.observable import Observable as QLMObservable
from braket.circuits.observables import Hermitian
from cirq.circuits.circuit import Circuit as CirqCircuit
from cirq.ops.pauli_string import PauliString as CirqPauliString
from cirq.ops.linear_combinations import PauliSum as CirqPauliSum
from mpqp.core.instruction.gates.native_gates import SWAP
from mpqp.core.instruction.measurement.measure import Measure
from mpqp.core.instruction.measurement.pauli_string import PauliString
from mpqp.core.languages import Language
from mpqp.tools.display import one_lined_repr
from mpqp.tools.errors import NumberQubitsError
from mpqp.tools.generics import Matrix
from mpqp.tools.maths import is_hermitian
class Observable:
"""Class defining an observable, used for evaluating expectation values.
An observable can be defined by using a Hermitian matrix, or using a
combination of operators in a specific basis Pauli.
observable : can be either a Hermitian matrix representing the
observable or PauliString representing the observable.
ValueError: If the input matrix is not Hermitian or does not have a
square shape.
NumberQubitsError: If the number of qubits in the input observable does
not match the number of target qubits.
>>> Observable(np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]]))
Observable(array([[ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [ 0.+0.j, -1.+0.j]], dtype=complex64))
>>> from mpqp.measures import I, X, Y, Z
>>> Observable(3 * I @ Z + 4 * X @ Y) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Observable(array([[ 3.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+4.j],
[ 0.+0.j, -3.+0.j, 0.-4.j, 0.+0.j],
[ 0.+0.j, 0.+4.j, 3.+0.j, 0.+0.j],
[ 0.-4.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, -3.+0.j]],
>>> Observable(3 * I @ Z + 4 * X @ Y).pauli_string.sorted_monomials()
3*I@Z + 4*X@Y
def __init__(self, observable: Matrix | PauliString):
self._matrix = None
self._pauli_string = None
if isinstance(observable, PauliString):
self.nb_qubits = observable.nb_qubits
self._pauli_string = observable.simplify()
self.nb_qubits = int(np.log2(len(observable)))
"""Number of qubits of this observable."""
self._matrix = np.array(observable)
basis_states = 2**self.nb_qubits
if self.matrix.shape != (basis_states, basis_states):
raise ValueError(
f"The size of the matrix {self.matrix.shape} doesn't neatly fit on a"
" quantum register. It should be a square matrix of size a power"
" of two."
if not is_hermitian(self.matrix):
raise ValueError(
"The matrix in parameter is not hermitian (cannot define an observable)"
def matrix(self) -> Matrix:
"""The matrix representation of the observable."""
if self._matrix is None:
self._matrix = self.pauli_string.to_matrix()
matrix = copy.deepcopy(self._matrix).astype(np.complex64)
return matrix
def pauli_string(self) -> PauliString:
"""The PauliString representation of the observable."""
if self._pauli_string is None:
self._pauli_string = PauliString.from_matrix(self.matrix)
pauli_string = copy.deepcopy(self._pauli_string)
return pauli_string
def matrix(self, matrix: Matrix):
self._matrix = matrix
self._pauli_string = None
def pauli_string(self, pauli_string: PauliString):
self._pauli_string = pauli_string
self._matrix = None
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__name__}({one_lined_repr(self.matrix)})"
def __mult__(self, other: Expr | Complex) -> Observable:
def subs(
self, values: dict[Expr | str, Complex], remove_symbolic: bool = False
) -> Observable:
[docs] def to_other_language(
self, language: Language, circuit: Optional[CirqCircuit] = None
) -> Union[SparsePauliOp, QLMObservable, Hermitian, CirqPauliSum, CirqPauliString]:
"""Converts the observable to the representation of another quantum
programming language.
language: The target programming language.
circuit: The Cirq circuit associated with the observable (required
if ``language == Language.CIRQ``).
Depends on the target language.
>>> obs = Observable(np.diag([0.7, -1, 1, 1]))
>>> obs_qiskit = obs.to_other_language(Language.QISKIT)
>>> obs_qiskit.to_list() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[('II', (0.42499999701976776+0j)), ('IZ', (0.42499999701976776+0j)),
('ZI', (-0.5750000029802322+0j)), ('ZZ', (0.42499999701976776+0j))]
if language == Language.QISKIT:
from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator, SparsePauliOp
return SparsePauliOp.from_operator(Operator(self.matrix))
elif language == Language.MY_QLM:
from qat.core.wrappers.observable import Observable as QLMObservable
return QLMObservable(self.nb_qubits, matrix=self.matrix)
elif language == Language.BRAKET:
from braket.circuits.observables import Hermitian
return Hermitian(self.matrix)
elif language == Language.CIRQ:
return self.pauli_string.to_other_language(Language.CIRQ, circuit)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported language: {language}")
class ExpectationMeasure(Measure):
"""This measure evaluates the expectation value of the output of the circuit
measured by the observable given as input.
If the ``targets`` are not sorted and contiguous, some additional swaps will
be needed. This will affect the performance of your circuit if run on noisy
hardware. The swaps added can be checked out in the :attr:`pre_measure`
targets: List of indices referring to the qubits on which the measure
will be applied.
observable: Observable used for the measure.
shots: Number of shots to be performed.
label: Label used to identify the measure.
UserWarning: If the ``targets`` are not sorted and contiguous, some
additional swaps will be needed. This will change the performance of
your circuit is run on noisy hardware.
>>> obs = Observable(np.diag([0.7, -1, 1, 1]))
>>> c = QCircuit([H(0), CNOT(0,1), ExpectationMeasure(obs, shots=10000)])
>>> run(c, ATOSDevice.MYQLM_PYLINALG).expectation_value # doctest: +SKIP
# TODO: problem here with the doc generation, the arguments are messed up
def __init__(
observable: Observable,
targets: Optional[list[int]] = None,
shots: int = 0,
label: Optional[str] = None,
super().__init__(targets, shots, label)
self.observable = observable
"""See parameter description."""
def _check_targets_order(self):
"""Ensures target qubits are ordered and contiguous, rearranging them if necessary (private)."""
from mpqp.core.circuit import QCircuit
if len(self.targets) == 0:
self.pre_measure = QCircuit(0)
if self.nb_qubits != self.observable.nb_qubits:
raise NumberQubitsError(
f"Target size {self.nb_qubits} doesn't match observable size "
self.pre_measure = QCircuit(max(self.targets) + 1)
"""Circuit added before the expectation measurement to correctly swap
target qubits when their are note ordered or contiguous."""
targets_is_ordered = all(
[self.targets[i] > self.targets[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(self.targets))]
tweaked_tgt = copy.copy(self.targets)
if (
max(tweaked_tgt) - min(tweaked_tgt) + 1 != len(tweaked_tgt)
or not targets_is_ordered
"Non contiguous or non sorted observable target will introduce "
"additional CNOTs."
for t_index, target in enumerate(tweaked_tgt): # sort the targets
min_index = tweaked_tgt.index(min(tweaked_tgt[t_index:]))
if t_index != min_index:
self.pre_measure.add(SWAP(target, tweaked_tgt[min_index]))
tweaked_tgt[t_index] = tweaked_tgt[min_index]
tweaked_tgt[min_index] = target
for t_index, target in enumerate(tweaked_tgt): # compact the targets
if t_index == 0:
if target != tweaked_tgt[t_index - 1] + 1:
self.pre_measure.add(SWAP(target, tweaked_tgt[t_index - 1] + 1))
tweaked_tgt[t_index] = tweaked_tgt[t_index - 1] + 1
self.rearranged_targets = tweaked_tgt
"""Adjusted list of target qubits when they are not initially sorted and
def __repr__(self) -> str:
targets = (
f", {self.targets}"
if (not self._dynamic and len(self.targets)) != 0
else ""
shots = "" if self.shots == 0 else f", shots={self.shots}"
label = "" if self.label is None else f", label={self.label}"
return f"ExpectationMeasure({self.observable}{targets}{shots}{label})"
[docs] def to_other_language(
language: Language = Language.QISKIT,
qiskit_parameters: Optional[set["Parameter"]] = None,
) -> None | str:
raise NotImplementedError(
"This object should not be exported as is, because other SDKs have "
"no equivalent. Instead, this object is used to store the "
"appropriate data, and the data in later used in the needed "