Source code for mpqp.core.instruction.measurement.measure

""":class:`Measure<mpqp.core.instruction.measurement.measure.Measure>` is the
base class for measurements. It regroups all the attributes and methods
common to all types of measurements we support.

A measurement can be of two types:
described in details bellow."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC
from typing import Optional

from typeguard import TypeCheckError, typechecked

from mpqp.core.instruction import Instruction

[docs]@typechecked class Measure(Instruction, ABC): """Abstract class representing the measurement of the quantum state generated by a quantum circuit. This class is used to regroup attributes and methods shared by all different types of measures. We distinguish two types of measures: - Basis measurement (measure some qubits in a specific basis, sample mode, or retrieve the StateVector when shots is equal to zero) - Expectation value (use of an observable, exact or sample mode) Args: targets: List of indices referring to the qubits on which the measure will be applied. shots: Number of times the circuit should be run, each of these times is called a shot. label: Label used to identify the measure. """ def __init__( self, targets: list[int], shots: int = 0, label: Optional[str] = None, ): if shots < 0: raise TypeCheckError( f"Negative number of shot makes no sense, given {shots}" ) super().__init__(targets, label) self.shots = shots """See parameter description.""" self.label = label """See parameter description."""