Source code for mpqp.execution.connection.env_manager

"""This module takes care of saving and loading the configuration of supported

import os
from getpass import getpass
from typing import Callable

from dotenv import load_dotenv, set_key
from termcolor import colored
from typeguard import typechecked

MPQP_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.mpqp"

def _create_config_if_needed():
    """If there is not already a ``.mpqp`` file we create it."""
    if not os.path.exists(MPQP_CONFIG_PATH):
        open(MPQP_CONFIG_PATH, "a").close()

[docs]def get_existing_config_str() -> str: """Gets the content of the ``.mpqp`` config file. Returns: The string with .mpqp file content. Example: >>> save_env_variable('QLM_USER', 'hjaffali') True >>> save_env_variable('QLM_PASSWD', '****************') True >>> save_env_variable('QLM_CONFIGURED', 'True') True >>> save_env_variable('BRAKET_CONFIGURED', 'True') True >>> print(get_existing_config_str()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE QLM_USER='hjaffali' QLM_PASSWD='****************' QLM_CONFIGURED='True' BRAKET_CONFIGURED='True' """ if not os.path.exists(MPQP_CONFIG_PATH): return "" with open(MPQP_CONFIG_PATH, "r") as mpqp: file_str = return file_str
[docs]def load_env_variables() -> bool: """Loads the variables stored in the ``.mpqp`` file. Returns: ``True`` if the variables are loaded correctly. Example: >>> os.getenv("IBM_CONFIGURED") >>> open(os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.mpqp", "w").write("IBM_CONFIGURED='True'\\n") 22 >>> os.getenv("IBM_CONFIGURED") >>> load_env_variables() True >>> os.getenv("IBM_CONFIGURED") 'True' """ load_dotenv(MPQP_CONFIG_PATH, override=True) return True
[docs]@typechecked def get_env_variable(key: str) -> str: """Loads the ``.mpqp`` env file and returns the value associated with the key in parameter. If the variable does not exist, an empty string is returned. Args: key: The key for which we want to get the value. Example: >>> save_env_variable("BRAKET_CONFIGURED", 'True') True >>> get_env_variable("BRAKET_CONFIGURED") 'True' >>> get_env_variable("RaNdOM") '' """ _create_config_if_needed() load_env_variables() val = os.getenv(key, "") return val
[docs]@typechecked def save_env_variable(key: str, value: str) -> bool: """Adds or updates the ``key`` environment variable in ``.mpqp`` file. Args: key: Name of the environment variable. value: Value to be saved. Returns: ``True`` if the save was successful. Examples: >>> get_env_variable("RaNdOM") '' >>> save_env_variable("RaNdOM", "azertyuiop") True >>> get_env_variable("RaNdOM") 'azertyuiop' """ _create_config_if_needed() try: a, _, _ = set_key(MPQP_CONFIG_PATH, key, value) if a is None: raise SystemError( "Something went wrong when trying to modify the MPQP " "connections configuration." ) load_env_variables() except ValueError as e: print(e) return False return a
[docs]def config_key( key_name: str, configuration_name: str, test_connection: Callable[[str], bool] ): """Configure a key by setting the API token. Args: key_name: The name of the key to be saved in the environment variables. configuration_name: The name of the service for which the API token is being configured. test_connection: A callable function taking as input token and returning a boolean indicating whether the connection setup was successful. Returns: tuple: A message indicating the result of the configuration and an empty list (used to conform to the protocol needed by the functions calling this one). """ was_configured = get_env_variable(f"{configuration_name}_CONFIGURED") == "True" if was_configured: decision = input( f"{configuration_name} key is already configured. Do you want to update it? [y/N]" ) if decision.lower().strip() != "y": return "Canceled.", [] token = getpass(f"Enter your {configuration_name} token (hidden): ") if token == "": print(colored("Empty credentials", "red")) getpass("Press 'Enter' to continue") return "", [] if test_connection(token): save_env_variable(f"{key_name}", token) save_env_variable(f"{configuration_name}_CONFIGURED", "True") return f"{configuration_name} key correctly configured", [] else: if not was_configured: save_env_variable(f"{key_name}", token) save_env_variable(f"{configuration_name}_CONFIGURED", "False") getpass("Press 'Enter' to continue") return "", []