Source code for mpqp.execution.connection.ibm_connection

from getpass import getpass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from termcolor import colored
from typeguard import typechecked

    from qiskit_ibm_provider import IBMProvider
    from qiskit.providers.backend import BackendV1
    from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService

from mpqp.execution.connection.env_manager import get_env_variable, save_env_variable
from mpqp.execution.devices import IBMDevice
from import IBMRemoteExecutionError

Ibm_Provider = None
Runtime_Service = None

[docs]@typechecked def config_ibm_account(token: str): """Configure and save locally IBM Quantum account's information. Args: token: IBM Quantum API token. Raises: IBMRemoteExecutionError: If the account could not be saved. """ from qiskit_ibm_provider import IBMProvider try: IBMProvider.save_account(token=token, overwrite=True) save_env_variable("IBM_CONFIGURED", "True") save_env_variable("IBM_TOKEN", token) except Exception as err: # if an error occurred, we put False in the mpqp config file save_env_variable("IBM_CONFIGURED", "False") raise IBMRemoteExecutionError( "Error when saving the account.\nTrace: " + str(err) )
[docs]def setup_ibm_account(): """Setups and updates the IBM Q account using the existing configuration and by asking for the token .""" was_configured = get_env_variable("IBM_CONFIGURED") == "True" if was_configured: decision = input( "An IBMQ account is already configured. Do you want to update it? [y/N]" ) if decision.lower().strip() != "y": return "Canceled.", [] token = getpass("Enter your IBM token (hidden): ") if token == "": print(colored("Empty credentials", "red")) getpass("Press 'Enter' to continue") return "", [] old_token = get_env_variable("IBM_TOKEN") config_ibm_account(token) if test_connection(): return "IBM Q account correctly configured", [] else: if was_configured: config_ibm_account(old_token) else: save_env_variable("IBM_CONFIGURED", "False") getpass("Press 'Enter' to continue") return "", []
[docs]def test_connection() -> bool: """Tests if the connection to the provider works. Returns: ``False`` if login failed. """ from qiskit_ibm_provider import IBMProvider from qiskit_ibm_provider.api.exceptions import RequestsApiError try: IBMProvider() except RequestsApiError as err: if "Login failed" in str(err): print(colored("Wrong credentials", "red")) return False else: raise err return True
[docs]def get_IBMProvider() -> "IBMProvider": """Returns the IBMProvider needed to get one or several backends for execution. Raises: IBMRemoteExecutionError: In the account was not properly configured previously. Example: >>> instance = get_IBMProvider() >>> instance.backends() [<IBMBackend('ibmq_qasm_simulator')>, <IBMBackend('simulator_extended_stabilizer')>, <IBMBackend('simulator_mps')>, <IBMBackend('simulator_stabilizer')>, <IBMBackend('simulator_statevector')>, <IBMBackend('ibm_brisbane')>, <IBMBackend('ibm_kyoto')>, <IBMBackend('ibm_osaka')>] """ from qiskit_ibm_provider import IBMProvider from qiskit_ibm_provider.accounts import AccountNotFoundError from qiskit_ibm_provider.api.exceptions import RequestsApiError global Ibm_Provider if Ibm_Provider is None: if get_env_variable("IBM_CONFIGURED") == "False": raise IBMRemoteExecutionError( "Error when instantiating IBM Provider. No IBM Q account configured." ) try: Ibm_Provider = IBMProvider() except RequestsApiError as err: raise IBMRemoteExecutionError( "Error when instantiating IBM Provider (probably wrong token " "saved in the account).\nTrace: " + str(err) ) except AccountNotFoundError as err: raise IBMRemoteExecutionError( "Error when instantiating IBM Provider. No IBM Q account " "configured.\nTrace: " + str(err) ) return Ibm_Provider
[docs]def get_QiskitRuntimeService() -> "QiskitRuntimeService": """Returns the QiskitRuntimeService needed for remote connection and execution. Raises: IBMRemoteExecutionError: When the ``qiskit`` runtime is not configured or the configuration cannot be retrieved. Example: >>> service = get_QiskitRuntimeService() >>> [<RuntimeJob('cmdj3b4nktricigarn8g', 'estimator')>, <RuntimeJob('cmdj3a74mi97k7j7ujv0', 'sampler')>, <RuntimeJob('cmama29054sir2cq94og', 'estimator')>, <RuntimeJob('cmama14pduldih1q4ktg', 'sampler')>, <RuntimeJob('cm7vds4pduldih1k1mq0', 'sampler')>] """ from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService global Runtime_Service if Runtime_Service is None: if get_env_variable("IBM_CONFIGURED") == "False": raise IBMRemoteExecutionError( "Error when instantiating QiskitRuntimeService. No IBM account configured." ) try: Runtime_Service = QiskitRuntimeService() except Exception as err: raise IBMRemoteExecutionError( "Error when instantiating QiskitRuntimeService (probably wrong token saved " "in the account).\nTrace: " + str(err) ) return Runtime_Service
[docs]def get_active_account_info() -> str: """Returns the information concerning the active IBMQ account. Returns: The description containing the account information. Example: >>> print(get_active_account_info()) Channel: ibm_quantum Instance: ibm-q-startup/colibritd/default Token: bf5e5***** URL: Verify: True """ provider = get_IBMProvider() account = provider.active_account() assert account is not None return f""" Channel: {account["channel"]} Instance: {account["instance"]} Token: {account["token"][:5]}***** URL: {account["url"]} Verify: {account["verify"]}"""
[docs]@typechecked def get_backend(device: IBMDevice) -> "BackendV1": """Retrieves the IBM Q remote device corresponding to the device in parameter. Args: device: The IBMDevice to get from IBMQ provider. Returns: The requested backend. Raises: ValueError: If the required backend is a local simulator. IBMRemoteExecutionError: If the device was not found. Example: >>> brisbane = get_backend(IBMDevice.IBM_BRISBANE) >>>[0].parameters [Nduv(datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 9, 11, 3, 18, tzinfo=tzlocal()), gate_error, , 0.00045619997922344296), Nduv(datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 9, 15, 41, 39, tzinfo=tzlocal()), gate_length, ns, 60)] """ # NOTE: # Question : when a backend is present in several IBMQ instances, which instance does it use to submit jobs # on this backend ? Typically if with colibritd instance i have more priority and by default it uses ibmq # instance, then i lose something here. # Answer : it takes the default instance attached to the account (the higher plan, usually). if not device.is_remote(): raise ValueError("Expected a remote IBMQ device but got a local simulator.") from qiskit.providers import QiskitBackendNotFoundError provider = get_IBMProvider() try: backend = provider.get_backend(device.value) except QiskitBackendNotFoundError as err: raise IBMRemoteExecutionError( f"Requested device {device} not found. Verify if your instances " "allows to access this machine, or the device's name.\n" f"Trace: {err}" ) return backend
[docs]def get_all_job_ids() -> list[str]: """Retrieves all the job ids of this account from the several IBM remote providers (IBMProvider, QiskitRuntimeService, ...). Returns: The list of job ids. Example: >>> get_all_job_ids() ['cm6pp7e879ps6bbo7m30', 'cm6ou0q70abqioeudkd0', 'cm6opgcpduldih1hq7j0', 'cm01vp4pduldih0uoi2g', 'cnvw8z3b08x0008y3e4g', 'cnvw7qyb08x0008y3e0g', 'cnvw7fdvn4c0008a6ztg', 'cnvw79dvn4c0008a6zt0', 'cnvw64rb08x0008y3dx0', 'cnvw5z7wsx00008wybcg', 'cmdj3b4nktricigarn8g', 'cmdj3a74mi97k7j7ujv0', 'cmama29054sir2cq94og', 'cmama14pduldih1q4ktg', 'cm80qmi70abqiof0o170', 'cm80qlkpduldih1k4png', 'cm80pb1054sir2ck9i3g', 'cm80pa6879ps6bbqg2pg', 'cm7vdugiidfp3m8rg02g', 'cm7vds4pduldih1k1mq0'] """ all_job_ids = [] if get_env_variable("IBM_CONFIGURED") != "True": return all_job_ids ibm_provider = get_IBMProvider() service = get_QiskitRuntimeService() if ibm_provider: all_job_ids.extend([job.job_id() for job in]) if service: all_job_ids.extend([job.job_id() for job in]) return all_job_ids