Source code for mpqp.execution.devices

"""An :class:`AvailableDevice` is a device on which one can run or submit a 
circuit. While it is an abstract class, all it's concrete implementations are
enums with a few methods, required by :class:`AvailableDevice`.

Each supported provider has its available devices listed as these enums, which
you can find bellow:

- :class:`IBMDevice`,
- :class:`ATOSDevice`,
- :class:`AWSDevice`,
- :class:`GOOGLEDevice`.

Not all combinations of :class:`AvailableDevice` and 
:class:`JobType<mpqp.execution.job.JobType>` are possible. Here is the list of
compatible jobs types and devices.

.. csv-table:: Job/Device Compatibility Matrix
   :file: ../../docs/resources/job-device_compat.csv
   :widths: 7, 25, 7, 10, 10, 15
   :header-rows: 1

from abc import abstractmethod
from enum import Enum, auto

from mpqp.execution.connection.env_manager import get_env_variable

[docs]class AvailableDevice(Enum): """Class used to define a generic device (quantum computer, or simulator)."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_remote(self) -> bool: """Indicates whether a device is remote or not. Returns: ``True`` if this device is remote. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_gate_based(self) -> bool: """Indicates whether a device is gate based or not. Returns: ``True`` if this device is a gate-based simulator/QPU.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_simulator(self) -> bool: """Indicates whether a device is a simulator or not. Returns: ``True`` if this device is a simulator.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_noisy_simulator(self) -> bool: """Indicates whether a device can simulate noise or not. Returns: ``True`` if this device can simulate noise. """ pass
[docs]class IBMDevice(AvailableDevice): """Enum regrouping all available devices provided by IBM Quantum. Warning: Since previous version, many devices were disabled by IBM. This may affect your code. We are currently investigating the issue to check if a workaround is possible for some of them (like replacing a simulator by an equivalent one for instance). """ # PULSE_SIMULATOR = "pulse_simulator" AER_SIMULATOR = "aer_simulator" AER_SIMULATOR_STATEVECTOR = "aer_simulator_statevector" # TODO: many devices are no longer working, explore why # AER_SIMULATOR_DENSITY_MATRIX = "aer_simulator_density_matrix" # AER_SIMULATOR_STABILIZER = "aer_simulator_stabilizer" # AER_SIMULATOR_MATRIX_PRODUCT_STATE = "aer_simulator_matrix_product_state" # AER_SIMULATOR_EXTENDED_STABILIZER = "aer_simulator_extended_stabilizer" # AER_SIMULATOR_UNITARY = "aer_simulator_unitary" # AER_SIMULATOR_SUPEROP = "aer_simulator_superop" # IBMQ_SIMULATOR_STATEVECTOR = "simulator_statevector" # IBMQ_SIMULATOR_STABILIZER = "simulator_stabilizer" # IBMQ_SIMULATOR_EXTENDED_STABILIZER = "simulator_extended_stabilizer" # IBMQ_SIMULATOR_MPS = "simulator_mps" # IBMQ_QASM_SIMULATOR = "ibmq_qasm_simulator" IBM_BRISBANE = "ibm_brisbane" IBM_OSAKA = "ibm_osaka" IBM_KYOTO = "ibm_kyoto" IBM_SHERBROOKE = "ibm_sherbrooke" IBM_KYIV = "ibm_kyiv" IBM_NAZCA = "ibm_nazca" IBM_CUSCO = "ibm_cusco" IBM_ITHACA = "ibm_ithaca" IBM_TORINO = "ibm_torino" IBM_QUEBEC = "ibm_quebec" IBM_KAWASAKI = "ibm_kawasaki" IBM_CLEVELAND = "ibm_cleveland" IBM_CAIRO = "ibm_cairo" IBM_HANOI = "ibm_hanoi" IBM_ALGIERS = "ibm_algiers" IBM_KOLKATA = "ibm_kolkata" IBM_MUMBAI = "ibm_mumbai" IBM_PEEKSKILL = "ibm_peekskill" IBM_RANDOM_SMALL_DEVICE = "ibm_small_device" IBM_SMALL_DEVICES_LEAST_BUSY = "ibm_least_busy" def is_remote(self) -> bool: return"IBM") def is_gate_based(self) -> bool: return True # return self != IBMDevice.PULSE_SIMULATOR def is_simulator(self) -> bool: return "simulator" in self.value def is_noisy_simulator(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError() # TODO: determine which devices can simulate noise or not for Qiskit remote, or local noise_support_devices = { IBMDevice.IBMQ_SIMULATOR_STATEVECTOR: True, IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR_STABILIZER: True, IBMDevice.IBMQ_SIMULATOR_EXTENDED_STABILIZER: False, IBMDevice.IBMQ_SIMULATOR_MPS: False, IBMDevice.IBMQ_QASM_SIMULATOR: True, } return self in noise_support_devices
[docs]class ATOSDevice(AvailableDevice): """Enum regrouping all available devices provided by ATOS.""" MYQLM_PYLINALG = auto() MYQLM_CLINALG = auto() QLM_LINALG = auto() QLM_MPS = auto() QLM_MPO = auto() QLM_NOISYQPROC = auto() def is_remote(self): return"QLM") def is_gate_based(self) -> bool: return True def is_simulator(self) -> bool: return True def is_noisy_simulator(self) -> bool: return self in {ATOSDevice.QLM_NOISYQPROC, ATOSDevice.QLM_MPO}
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str_remote(name: str): """Returns the first remote ATOSDevice containing the name given in parameter. Args: name: A string containing the name of the device. Raises: ValueError: If no device corresponding to the given name could be found. Examples: >>> ATOSDevice.from_str_remote('NoisyQProc') <ATOSDevice.QLM_NOISYQPROC: 6> >>> ATOSDevice.from_str_remote('linalg') <ATOSDevice.QLM_LINALG: 3> >>> ATOSDevice.from_str_remote('Mps') <ATOSDevice.QLM_MPS: 4> """ u_name = name.upper() for elem in ATOSDevice: if u_name in and elem.is_remote(): return elem raise ValueError(f"No device found for name `{name}`.")
[docs]class AWSDevice(AvailableDevice): """Enum regrouping all available devices provided by AWS Braket.""" BRAKET_LOCAL_SIMULATOR = "LocalSimulator" BRAKET_SV1_SIMULATOR = "quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1" BRAKET_DM1_SIMULATOR = "quantum-simulator/amazon/dm1" BRAKET_TN1_SIMULATOR = "quantum-simulator/amazon/tn1" BRAKET_IONQ_HARMONY = "qpu/ionq/Harmony" BRAKET_IONQ_ARIA_1 = "qpu/ionq/Aria-1" BRAKET_IONQ_ARIA_2 = "qpu/ionq/Aria-2" BRAKET_IONQ_FORTE_1 = "qpu/ionq/Forte-1" BRAKET_OQC_LUCY = "qpu/oqc/Lucy" BRAKET_QUERA_AQUILA = "qpu/quera/Aquila" BRAKET_RIGETTI_ASPEN_M_3 = "qpu/rigetti/Aspen-M-3" def is_remote(self): return self != AWSDevice.BRAKET_LOCAL_SIMULATOR def is_gate_based(self) -> bool: return True def is_simulator(self) -> bool: return "SIMULATOR" in def is_noisy_simulator(self) -> bool: return self in [ AWSDevice.BRAKET_LOCAL_SIMULATOR, AWSDevice.BRAKET_DM1_SIMULATOR, ]
[docs] def get_arn(self) -> str: """Retrieve the AwsDevice arn from this AWSDevice element. Returns: The arn of the device. Examples: >>> AWSDevice.BRAKET_IONQ_HARMONY.get_arn() 'arn:aws:braket:us-east-1::device/qpu/ionq/Harmony' >>> AWSDevice.BRAKET_SV1_SIMULATOR.get_arn() 'arn:aws:braket:::device/quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1' >>> AWSDevice.BRAKET_RIGETTI_ASPEN_M_3.get_arn() 'arn:aws:braket:us-west-1::device/qpu/rigetti/Aspen-M-3' """ region = self.get_region() if self.is_simulator(): region = "" return "arn:aws:braket:" + region + "::device/" + self.value
[docs] def get_region(self) -> str: """Retrieve the Aws region from this AWSDevice element. Returns: The region of the device. Examples: >>> AWSDevice.BRAKET_IONQ_HARMONY.get_region() 'us-east-1' >>> AWSDevice.BRAKET_SV1_SIMULATOR.get_region() == get_env_variable("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION") True >>> AWSDevice.BRAKET_RIGETTI_ASPEN_M_3.get_region() 'us-west-1' """ if not self.is_remote(): raise ValueError("No arn for a local simulator") elif self == AWSDevice.BRAKET_RIGETTI_ASPEN_M_3: return "us-west-1" elif self == AWSDevice.BRAKET_OQC_LUCY: return "eu-west-2" elif self in [ AWSDevice.BRAKET_IONQ_HARMONY, AWSDevice.BRAKET_IONQ_ARIA_1, AWSDevice.BRAKET_IONQ_ARIA_2, AWSDevice.BRAKET_IONQ_FORTE_1, AWSDevice.BRAKET_QUERA_AQUILA, ]: return "us-east-1" else: return get_env_variable("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_arn(arn: str): """Returns the right AWSDevice from the arn given in parameter. Args: arn: The AWS arn identifying the AwsDevice. Examples: >>> AWSDevice.from_arn('arn:aws:braket:us-east-1::device/qpu/ionq/Harmony') <AWSDevice.BRAKET_IONQ_HARMONY: 'qpu/ionq/Harmony'> >>> AWSDevice.from_arn('arn:aws:braket:::device/quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1') <AWSDevice.BRAKET_SV1_SIMULATOR: 'quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1'> """ for elem in AWSDevice: if elem.value in arn: return elem raise ValueError(f"No device found for ARN `{arn}`.")
[docs]class GOOGLEDevice(AvailableDevice): """Enum regrouping all available devices provided by CIRQ.""" CIRQ_LOCAL_SIMULATOR = "LocalSimulator" PROCESSOR_RAINBOW = "rainbow" PROCESSOR_WEBER = "weber" IONQ_SIMULATOR = "simulator" IONQ_QPU = "qpu" def is_remote(self): if"IONQ"): return True return False
[docs] def is_ionq(self): return"IONQ")
def is_gate_based(self) -> bool: return True def is_simulator(self) -> bool: return "SIMULATOR" in
[docs] def is_processor(self) -> bool: """ Check if the device is a processor. Returns: True if the device is a processor, False otherwise. """ return"PROCESSOR")