Source code for

import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

import numpy as np
from typeguard import typechecked

from mpqp import Language, QCircuit
from mpqp.core.instruction.gates import CRk
from mpqp.core.instruction.measurement import (
from mpqp.execution.connection.aws_connection import get_braket_device
from mpqp.execution.devices import AWSDevice
from mpqp.execution.job import Job, JobStatus, JobType
from mpqp.execution.result import Result, Sample, StateVector
from mpqp.noise.noise_model import NoiseModel
from import AWSBraketRemoteExecutionError, DeviceJobIncompatibleError

    from braket.circuits import Circuit
    from braket.tasks import GateModelQuantumTaskResult, QuantumTask

[docs]@typechecked def apply_noise_to_braket_circuit( braket_circuit: "Circuit", noises: list[NoiseModel], nb_qubits: int, ) -> "Circuit": """Apply noise models to a Braket circuit. This function applies noise models to a given Braket circuit based on the specified noise models and the number of qubits in the circuit. It modifies the original circuit by adding noise instructions and returns a new circuit with the noise applied. Args: braket_circuit: The Braket circuit to apply noise to. noises: A list of noise models to apply to the circuit. nb_qubits: The number of qubits in the circuit. Returns: A new circuit with the noise applied. """ from braket.circuits import Circuit, Noise from braket.circuits.measure import Measure stored_measurements = [] other_instructions = [] for instr in braket_circuit.instructions: if isinstance(instr.operator, Measure): stored_measurements.append(instr) else: other_instructions.append(instr) noisy_circuit = Circuit(other_instructions) for noise in noises: braket_noise = noise.to_other_language(Language.BRAKET) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(braket_noise, Noise) if CRk in noise.gates: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot simulate noisy circuit with CRk gate due to an error on" " AWS Braket side." ) noisy_circuit.apply_gate_noise( braket_noise, # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentType] target_gates=( [ gate.braket_gate for gate in noise.gates if hasattr(gate, "braket_gate") ] if len(noise.gates) != 0 else None ), target_qubits=( noise.targets if set(noise.targets) != set(range(nb_qubits)) else None ), ) return noisy_circuit
[docs]@typechecked def run_braket(job: Job) -> Result: """Executes the job on the right AWS Braket device (local or remote) precised in the job in parameter and waits until the task is completed, then returns the Result. Args: job: Job to be executed, it MUST be corresponding to a :class:`mpqp.execution.devices.AWSDevice`. Returns: The result of the job. Note: This function is not meant to be used directly, please use :func:`` instead. """ if not isinstance(job.device, AWSDevice): raise ValueError( "`job` must correspond to an `AWSDevice`, but corresponds to a " f"{job.device} instead" ) from braket.tasks import GateModelQuantumTaskResult _, task = submit_job_braket(job) res = task.result() if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(res, GateModelQuantumTaskResult) return extract_result(res, job, job.device)
[docs]@typechecked def submit_job_braket(job: Job) -> tuple[str, "QuantumTask"]: """Submits the job to the right local/remote device and returns the generated task. Args: job: Job to be executed, it MUST be corresponding to a :class:`mpqp.execution.devices.AWSDevice`. Returns: The task's id and the Task itself. Raises: ValueError: If the job type is not supported for noisy simulations, or if it is of type ``OBSERVABLE`` but got no ``ExpectationMeasure``. NotImplementedError: If the job type is not ``STATE_VECTOR``, ``SAMPLE`` or ``OBSERVABLE``. Note: This function is not meant to be used directly, please use :func:`` instead. """ if not isinstance(job.device, AWSDevice): raise ValueError( "`job` must correspond to an `AWSDevice`, but corresponds to a " f"{job.device} instead" ) if job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR and job.device.is_remote(): raise DeviceJobIncompatibleError( "State vector cannot be computed using AWS Braket remote simulators" " and devices. Please use the LocalSimulator instead" ) if job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE and job.measure is None: raise ValueError("`SAMPLE` jobs must have a measure.") if job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE and not isinstance( job.measure, ExpectationMeasure ): raise ValueError("`OBSERVABLE` jobs must have an `ExpectationMeasure`.") is_noisy = bool(job.circuit.noises) if is_noisy and job.job_type not in [JobType.SAMPLE, JobType.OBSERVABLE]: raise ValueError( f"Job of type {job.job_type} is not supported for noisy circuits." ) from braket.circuits import Circuit device = get_braket_device(job.device, is_noisy=is_noisy) braket_circuit = job.circuit.to_other_language(Language.BRAKET) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(braket_circuit, Circuit) if job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR: braket_circuit.state_vector() # pyright: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue] job.status = JobStatus.RUNNING task =, shots=0, inputs=None) elif job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert job.measure is not None job.status = JobStatus.RUNNING task =, shots=job.measure.shots, inputs=None) elif job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(job.measure, ExpectationMeasure) herm_op = job.measure.observable.to_other_language(Language.BRAKET) braket_circuit.expectation( # pyright: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue] observable=herm_op, target=job.measure.targets ) job.status = JobStatus.RUNNING task =, shots=job.measure.shots, inputs=None) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Job of type {job.job_type} not handled.") return, task
[docs]@typechecked def extract_result( braket_result: "GateModelQuantumTaskResult", job: Optional[Job] = None, device: AWSDevice = AWSDevice.BRAKET_LOCAL_SIMULATOR, ) -> Result: """ Constructs a Result from the result given by the run with Braket. Args: braket_result: Result returned by myQLM/QLM after running of the job. job: Original mpqp job used to generate the run. Used to retrieve more easily info to instantiate the result. device: AWSDevice on which the job was submitted. Returns: The ``braket`` result converted to our format. """ from braket.device_schema.ionq import IonqDeviceParameters from braket.device_schema.oqc import OqcDeviceParameters from braket.device_schema.rigetti import RigettiDeviceParameters from braket.device_schema.simulators import GateModelSimulatorDeviceParameters if job is None: if len(braket_result.values) == 0: job_type = JobType.SAMPLE nb_qubits = len(list(braket_result.measurement_counts.keys())[0]) shots = braket_result.task_metadata.shots measure = BasisMeasure(list(range(nb_qubits)), shots=shots) elif isinstance(braket_result.values[0], float): job_type = JobType.OBSERVABLE device_params = braket_result.task_metadata.deviceParameters if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance( device_params, ( IonqDeviceParameters, OqcDeviceParameters, RigettiDeviceParameters, GateModelSimulatorDeviceParameters, ), ) nb_qubits = device_params.paradigmParameters.qubitCount shots = braket_result.task_metadata.shots measure = ExpectationMeasure( Observable(np.zeros((2**nb_qubits, 2**nb_qubits), dtype=np.complex64)), list(range(nb_qubits)), shots, ) else: job_type = JobType.STATE_VECTOR nb_qubits = int(math.log2(len(braket_result.values[0]))) measure = BasisMeasure(list(range(nb_qubits)), shots=0) job = Job(job_type, QCircuit(nb_qubits), device, measure) job.status = JobStatus.DONE if job.job_type in (JobType.SAMPLE, JobType.OBSERVABLE) and job.measure is None: raise ValueError("`SAMPLE` or `OBSERVABLE` jobs must have a measure.") if job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR: vector = braket_result.values[0] if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(vector, (list, np.ndarray)) state_vector = StateVector(vector, nb_qubits=job.circuit.nb_qubits) return Result(job, state_vector, 0, 0) elif job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert job.measure is not None counts = braket_result.measurement_counts sample_info = [] for state in counts.keys(): sample_info.append( Sample(job.circuit.nb_qubits, count=counts[state], bin_str=state) ) return Result(job, sample_info, None, job.measure.shots) elif job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert job.measure is not None exp_value = braket_result.values[0] return Result(job, exp_value, None, job.measure.shots) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Job of type {job.job_type} not handled.")
[docs]@typechecked def get_result_from_aws_task_arn(task_arn: str) -> Result: """Retrieves the result, described by the job_id in parameter, from the remote QLM and converts it into an mpqp result. If the job is still running, we wait (blocking) until it is DONE. Args: task_arn: Arn of the remote aws task. Raises: AWSBraketRemoteExecutionError: When the status of the task is unknown. """ from import AwsQuantumTask from braket.tasks import GateModelQuantumTaskResult, QuantumTask task: QuantumTask = AwsQuantumTask(task_arn) # catch an error if the id is not correct (wrong ID, wrong region, ...) ? status = task.state() if status in ["FAILED", "CANCELLED"]: raise AWSBraketRemoteExecutionError(f"Job status: {status}") elif status in ["CREATED", "QUEUED", "RUNNING", "COMPLETED"]: # result = task.result() if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(result, GateModelQuantumTaskResult) else: raise AWSBraketRemoteExecutionError( f"Unknown status {status} for the task {task_arn}" ) device_arn = task.metadata()["deviceArn"] device = AWSDevice.from_arn(device_arn) return extract_result(result, None, device)
[docs]@typechecked def estimate_cost_single_job( job: Job, hybrid_iterations: int = 1, estimated_time_seconds: int = 3 ) -> float: """ Estimates the cost of executing a :class:`~mpqp.execution.job.Job` on a remote AWS Braket device. Args: job: :class:`~mpqp.execution.job.Job` for which we want to estimate the cost. The job's device must be an :class:`~mpqp.execution.devices.AWSDevice`. hybrid_iterations: Number of iteration in a case of a hybrid (quantum-classical) job. estimated_time_seconds: Estimated runtime for simulator jobs (in seconds). The minimum duration billing is 3 seconds. Returns: The estimated price (in USD) for the execution of the job in parameter. Example: >>> circuit = QCircuit([H(0), CNOT(0, 1), CNOT(1, 2), BasisMeasure(shots=245)]) >>> job = generate_job(circuit, AWSDevice.IONQ_ARIA_1) >>> estimate_cost_single_job(job, hybrid_iterations=150) 1147.5 """ if not isinstance(job.device, AWSDevice): raise ValueError( f"This function was expecting a job with an AWSDevice but got a {type(job.device).__name__}." ) if job.device.is_remote(): if job.device.is_simulator(): if "sv1" in job.device.value or "dm1" in job.device.value: minute_cost = 0.075 elif "tn1" in job.device.value: minute_cost = 0.275 else: raise ValueError return minute_cost * max(estimated_time_seconds / 60, 3 / 60) else: if job.measure is None: raise DeviceJobIncompatibleError( "An AWS remote job on a quantum computer requires to have a measure." ) if "ionq" in job.device.value: task_cost = 0.3 shot_cost = 0.03 elif "iqm" in job.device.value: task_cost = 0.3 shot_cost = 0.00145 elif "rigetti" in job.device.value: task_cost = 0.3 shot_cost = 0.0009 elif "quera" in job.device.value: task_cost = 0.3 shot_cost = 0.01 else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Cost estimation not implemented yet for {} device." ) return (task_cost + job.measure.shots * shot_cost) * hybrid_iterations else: return 0