Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit.primitives import EstimatorResult, SamplerResult
    from qiskit.providers import BackendV1, BackendV2
    from qiskit.result import Result as QiskitResult
    from qiskit_ibm_provider.job import IBMJob
    from qiskit_ibm_runtime import RuntimeJob

from typeguard import typechecked

from mpqp.core.circuit import QCircuit
from mpqp.core.instruction.measurement import BasisMeasure
from mpqp.core.instruction.measurement.expectation_value import ExpectationMeasure
from mpqp.core.languages import Language
from mpqp.execution.connection.ibm_connection import (
from mpqp.execution.devices import IBMDevice
from mpqp.execution.job import Job, JobStatus, JobType
from mpqp.execution.result import Result, Sample, StateVector
from import DeviceJobIncompatibleError, IBMRemoteExecutionError

[docs]@typechecked def run_ibm(job: Job) -> Result: """Executes the job on the right IBM Q device precised in the job in parameter. Args: job: Job to be executed. Returns: The result of the job. Note: This function is not meant to be used directly, please use :func:``run<>`` instead. """ return run_aer(job) if not job.device.is_remote() else run_ibmq(job)
[docs]@typechecked def compute_expectation_value( ibm_circuit: QuantumCircuit, ibm_backend: Optional[BackendV1 | BackendV2], job: Job ) -> Result: """Configures observable job and run it locally, and returns the corresponding Result. Args: ibm_circuit: QuantumCircuit (already reversed bits) ibm_backend: The IBM backend (local of remote) on which we execute the job. job: Mpqp job describing the observable job to run. Returns: The result of the job. Note: This function is not meant to be used directly, please use :func:``run<>`` instead. """ from qiskit.primitives import BackendEstimator from qiskit.primitives import Estimator as Qiskit_Estimator from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator if not isinstance(job.measure, ExpectationMeasure): raise ValueError( "Cannot compute expectation value if measure used in job is not of " "type ExpectationMeasure" ) nb_shots = job.measure.shots qiskit_observable = job.measure.observable.to_other_language(Language.QISKIT) assert isinstance(qiskit_observable, Operator) if nb_shots != 0: assert ibm_backend is not None estimator = BackendEstimator(backend=ibm_backend) else: estimator = Qiskit_Estimator() # 3M-TODO: think of the possibility to compute several expectation values at # the same time when the circuit is the same apparently the # can take several circuits and observables at the same time, to verify if # putting them all together increases the performance job.status = JobStatus.RUNNING job_expectation = [ibm_circuit], [qiskit_observable], shots=nb_shots if nb_shots != 0 else None ) estimator_result = job_expectation.result() assert isinstance(job.device, IBMDevice) return extract_result(estimator_result, job, job.device)
[docs]@typechecked def check_job_compatibility(job: Job): """Checks whether the job in parameter has coherent and compatible attributes. Args: job: Job for which we want to check compatibility. Raises: DeviceJobIncompatibleError: If there is a mismatch between information contained in the job (measure and job_type, device and job_type, etc...). """ if not type(job.measure) in job.job_type.value: raise DeviceJobIncompatibleError( f"An {} job is valid only if the corresponding circuit has an measure in " f"{list(map(lambda cls: cls.__name__, job.job_type.value))}. " f"{type(job.measure).__name__} was given instead." ) if ( job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR and job.device != IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR_STATEVECTOR ): raise DeviceJobIncompatibleError( "Cannot reconstruct state vector with this device. Please use " f"{IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR_STATEVECTOR} instead (or change the job " "type, by for example giving a number of shots to the measure)." ) if job.device == IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR_STATEVECTOR: if job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE: raise DeviceJobIncompatibleError( "Cannot use sample mode with the statevector simulator." ) if job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE: assert job.measure is not None if job.measure.shots > 0: raise DeviceJobIncompatibleError( "Cannot compute expectation values with non-zero shots" f" with {IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR_STATEVECTOR}.\nSet the" " shots to zero to get the exact value, or select " "another device instead" )
[docs]@typechecked def run_aer(job: Job): """Executes the job on the right AER local simulator precised in the job in parameter. Args: job: Job to be executed. Returns: the result of the job. Note: This function is not meant to be used directly, please use :func:``run<>`` instead. """ from qiskit import QuantumCircuit from qiskit.compiler import transpile from qiskit_aer import Aer, AerSimulator qiskit_circuit = ( job.circuit.without_measurements().to_other_language(Language.QISKIT) if (job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR) else job.circuit.to_other_language(Language.QISKIT) ) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(qiskit_circuit, QuantumCircuit) qiskit_circuit = qiskit_circuit.reverse_bits() check_job_compatibility(job) # define backend simulator if job.device == IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR: backend_sim = AerSimulator() if job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE: assert job.measure is not None run_input = transpile(qiskit_circuit, backend_sim) job.status = JobStatus.RUNNING job_sim =, shots=job.measure.shots) result_sim = job_sim.result() result = extract_result(result_sim, job, IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR) elif job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE: result = compute_expectation_value(qiskit_circuit, backend_sim, job) else: raise ValueError(f"Job type {job.job_type} not handled on {job.device}") elif job.device == IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR_STATEVECTOR: if job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR: backend_sim = Aer.get_backend(job.device.value) # the save_statevector method is patched on qiskit_aer load, meaning # the type checker can't find it. I hate it but it is what it is. # this explains the `type: ignore`. This method is needed to get a # statevector our of the statevector simulator... qiskit_circuit.save_statevector() # type: ignore job.status = JobStatus.RUNNING job_sim =, shots=0) result_sim = job_sim.result() result = extract_result( result_sim, job, IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR_STATEVECTOR ) elif job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE: result = compute_expectation_value(qiskit_circuit, None, job) else: raise ValueError(f"job type {job.job_type} not handled on {job.device}") else: raise ValueError(f"job device {job.device} not handled yet") job.status = JobStatus.DONE return result
[docs]@typechecked def submit_ibmq(job: Job) -> tuple[str, RuntimeJob | IBMJob]: """Submits the job on the remote IBM device (quantum computer or simulator). Args: job: Job to be executed. Returns: IBM's job id and the ``qiskit`` job itself. Note: This function is not meant to be used directly, please use :func:``run<>`` instead. """ from qiskit import QuantumCircuit from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator from qiskit_ibm_runtime import Estimator as Runtime_Estimator from qiskit_ibm_runtime import Sampler as Runtime_Sampler from qiskit_ibm_runtime import Session if job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR: raise DeviceJobIncompatibleError( "State vector cannot be computed using IBM remote simulators and" " devices. Please use a local simulator instead." ) if job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE: if not isinstance(job.measure, ExpectationMeasure): raise ValueError( "An observable job must is valid only if the corresponding " "circuit has an expectation measure." ) if job.measure.shots == 0: raise DeviceJobIncompatibleError( "Expectation values cannot be computed exactly using IBM remote" " simulators and devices. Please use a local simulator instead." ) check_job_compatibility(job) qiskit_circuit = job.circuit.to_other_language(Language.QISKIT) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(qiskit_circuit, QuantumCircuit) qiskit_circuit = qiskit_circuit.reverse_bits() service = get_QiskitRuntimeService() backend_str = job.device.value session = Session(service=service, backend=backend_str) if job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE: assert isinstance(job.measure, ExpectationMeasure) estimator = Runtime_Estimator(session=session) qiskit_observable = job.measure.observable.to_other_language(Language.QISKIT) assert isinstance(qiskit_observable, Operator) ibm_job = qiskit_circuit, qiskit_observable, shots=job.measure.shots ) elif job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE: assert job.measure is not None sampler = Runtime_Sampler(session=session) ibm_job =, shots=job.measure.shots) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{job.job_type} not handled.") = ibm_job.job_id() return, ibm_job
[docs]@typechecked def run_ibmq(job: Job) -> Result: """Submits the job on the right IBMQ remote device, precised in the job in parameter, and waits until the job is completed. Args: job: Job to be executed. Returns: A Result after submission and execution of the job. Note: This function is not meant to be used directly, please use :func:``run<>`` instead. """ _, remote_job = submit_ibmq(job) ibm_result = remote_job.result() assert isinstance(job.device, IBMDevice) return extract_result(ibm_result, job, job.device, remote_job)
[docs]@typechecked def extract_result( result: QiskitResult | EstimatorResult | SamplerResult, job: Optional[Job] = None, device: IBMDevice = IBMDevice.AER_SIMULATOR, ibm_job: Optional[IBMJob | RuntimeJob] = None, ) -> Result: """Parses a result from ``IBM`` execution (remote or local) in a ``MPQP`` :class:`Result<mpqp.execution.result.Result>`. Args: result: Result returned by IBM after running of the job. job: ``MPQP`` job used to generate the run. Enables a more complete result. device: IBMDevice on which the job was submitted. Used to know if the run was remote or local ibm_job: IBM or Runtime job used to retrieve info about the circuit and the submitted job (in the remote case). Returns: The ``qiskit`` result converted to our format. """ from qiskit.primitives import EstimatorResult, SamplerResult from qiskit.result import Result as QiskitResult from qiskit_ibm_runtime import RuntimeJob if job is not None and ( isinstance(result, EstimatorResult) != (job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE) ): raise ValueError( "Mismatch between job type and result type: either the result is an" " `EstimatorResult` and the job is od type of both those assertions" " are false." ) if isinstance(result, EstimatorResult): if job is None: job = Job(JobType.OBSERVABLE, QCircuit(0), device) shots = 0 if len(result.metadata[0]) == 0 else result.metadata[0]["shots"] variance = ( None if len(result.metadata[0]) == 0 else result.metadata[0]["variance"] ) return Result(job, result.values[0], variance, shots) elif isinstance(result, SamplerResult): shots = result.metadata[0]["shots"] probas = result.quasi_dists[0] if job is None: if ibm_job is None: # If we don't have access to the remote Sampler RuntimeJob, we determine the number of qubits by taking # the max index in the counts and take the upper power of two. Of course this is not a clean way and # can lead to a lower number of qubit than the real one. We asked IBM support, apparently there is no # way to retrieve the right nb_qubits with SamplerResult only. That is why we encourage to input the # ibm_job to this function max_index = max(list(probas.keys())) nb_qubits = math.ceil(math.log2(max_index + 1)) else: if isinstance(ibm_job, RuntimeJob): nb_qubits = len(ibm_job.inputs["circuits"][0].qubits) else: raise ValueError( f"Expected a RuntimeJob as optional parameter but got an {type(ibm_job)} instead" ) job = Job( JobType.SAMPLE, QCircuit(nb_qubits), device, BasisMeasure(list(range(nb_qubits)), shots=shots), ) data = [ Sample( index=item, probability=probas[item], nb_qubits=job.circuit.nb_qubits ) for item in probas ] return Result(job, data, None, shots) elif isinstance( result, QiskitResult ): # pyright: ignore[reportUnnecessaryIsInstance] if job is None: job_data = if "statevector" in job_data: job_type = JobType.STATE_VECTOR nb_qubits = int(math.log(len(result.get_statevector()), 2)) job = Job(job_type, QCircuit(nb_qubits), device) elif "counts" in job_data: job_type = JobType.SAMPLE nb_qubits = len(list(result.get_counts())[0]) shots = result.results[0].shots job = Job( job_type, QCircuit(nb_qubits), device, BasisMeasure(list(range(nb_qubits)), shots=shots), ) else: if len( == 0: raise ValueError( "Result data is empty, cannot extract anything. Check " "if the associated job was successfully completed." ) else: raise ValueError( f"Data with keys {} in result not handled." ) if job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR: vector = result.get_statevector() state_vector = StateVector(, # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentType] job.circuit.nb_qubits, ) return Result(job, state_vector, 0, 0) elif job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE: assert job.measure is not None counts = result.get_counts() data = [ Sample( bin_str=item, count=counts[item], nb_qubits=job.circuit.nb_qubits ) for item in counts ] return Result(job, data, None, job.measure.shots) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{job.job_type} not handled.") else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Result type {type(result)} not handled")
[docs]@typechecked def get_result_from_ibm_job_id(job_id: str) -> Result: """Retrieves from IBM remote platform and parse the result of the job_id given in parameter. If the job is still running, we wait (blocking) until it is ``DONE``. Args: job_id: Id of the remote IBM job. Returns: The result converted to our format. """ from qiskit.providers import BackendV1, BackendV2 from qiskit.providers import JobStatus as IBM_JobStatus # search for job id in the connector given in parameter first # if not found, try with IBMProvider, then QiskitRuntimeService # if not found, raise an error connector = get_IBMProvider() ibm_job = ( connector.retrieve_job(job_id) if job_id in [job.job_id() for job in] else None ) if ibm_job is None: connector = get_QiskitRuntimeService() ibm_job = ( connector.job(job_id) if job_id in [job.job_id() for job in] else None ) if ibm_job is None: raise IBMRemoteExecutionError( f"Job with id {job_id} was not found on this account." ) status = ibm_job.status() if status in [IBM_JobStatus.CANCELLED, IBM_JobStatus.ERROR]: raise IBMRemoteExecutionError( f"Trying to retrieve an IBM result for a job in status {}" ) # If the job is finished, it will get the result, if still running it is block until it finishes result = ibm_job.result() backend = ibm_job.backend() assert isinstance(backend, (BackendV1, BackendV2)) ibm_device = IBMDevice( return extract_result(result, None, ibm_device, ibm_job)