"""Once the computation ended, the :class:`Result` contains all the data from
the execution.
The job type affects the data contained in the :class:`Result`. For a given
``result``, here are how to retrieve the data depending on the job type:
- for a job type ``STATE_VECTOR`` you can retrieve the :class:`StateVector` from
``result.state_vector``. If you want to directly get the amplitudes of your
state vector, you can reach for ``result.amplitudes``;
- for a job type ``SAMPLE`` you can retrieve the list of :class:`Sample` from
``result.samples``. For a ``SAMPLE`` job type, you might be interested in
results packed in a different shape than a list of :class:`Sample`, even
though you could rebuild them from said list, we also provide a few shorthands
like ``result.probabilities`` and ``result.counts``;
- for a job type ``OBSERVABLE`` you can retrieve the expectation value (a
``float``) from ``result.expectation_value``.
When several devices are given to :func:`run<mpqp.execution.runner.run>`, the
results are stored in a :class:`BatchResult`.
from __future__ import annotations
import math
import random
from numbers import Complex
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from typeguard import typechecked
from mpqp.execution.devices import AvailableDevice
from mpqp.tools.errors import ResultAttributeError
from mpqp.tools.generics import clean_array
from .job import Job, JobType
class StateVector:
"""Class representing the state vector of a multi-qubit quantum system.
vector: List of amplitudes defining the state vector.
nb_qubits: Number of qubits of the state.
probabilities: List of probabilities associated with the state vector.
>>> state_vector = StateVector(np.array([1, 1, 1, -1])/2, 2)
>>> state_vector.probabilities
array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
>>> print(state_vector)
State vector: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5]
Probabilities: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
Number of qubits: 2
def __init__(
vector: list[Complex] | npt.NDArray[np.complex64],
nb_qubits: Optional[int] = None,
probabilities: Optional[list[float] | npt.NDArray[np.float32]] = None,
if len(np.asarray(vector)) == 0:
raise ValueError("vector should not be empty")
self.vector: npt.NDArray[np.complex64] = np.array(vector, dtype=complex)
self.nb_qubits = (
int(math.log(len(vector), 2)) if nb_qubits is None else nb_qubits
"""See parameter description."""
self.probabilities = (
abs(self.vector) ** 2 if probabilities is None else np.array(probabilities)
"""See parameter description."""
def amplitudes(self):
"""Return the amplitudes of the state vector"""
return self.vector
def __str__(self):
return f""" State vector: {clean_array(self.vector)}
Probabilities: {clean_array(self.probabilities)}
Number of qubits: {self.nb_qubits}"""
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"StateVector({clean_array(self.vector)})"
class Sample:
"""A sample is a partial result of job job with type ``SAMPLE``. It contains
the count (and potentially the associated probability) for a given basis
state, *i.e.* the number of times this basis state was measured.
nb_qubits: Number of qubits of the quantum system of the experiment.
probability: Probability of measuring the basis state associated to this
index: Index in decimal notation representing the basis state.
count: Number of times this basis state was measured during the
bin_str: String representing the basis state in binary notation.
>>> print(Sample(3, index=3, count=250, bin_str="011"))
State: 011, Index: 3, Count: 250, Probability: None
>>> print(Sample(4, index=6, probability=0.5))
State: 0110, Index: 6, Count: None, Probability: 0.5
>>> print(Sample(5, bin_str="01011", count=1234))
State: 01011, Index: 11, Count: 1234, Probability: None
def __init__(
nb_qubits: int,
probability: Optional[float] = None,
index: Optional[int] = None,
count: Optional[int] = None,
bin_str: Optional[str] = None,
self.nb_qubits = nb_qubits
"""See parameter description."""
self.count = count
"""See parameter description."""
self.probability = probability
"""See parameter description."""
self.bin_str: str
"""See parameter description."""
self.index: int
"""See parameter description."""
if index is None:
if bin_str is None:
raise ValueError(
"At least one of `bin_str` and `index` arguments is necessary"
self.index = int(bin_str, 2)
self.bin_str = bin_str
computed_bin_str = bin(index)[2:].zfill(self.nb_qubits)
if bin_str is None:
self.index = index
self.bin_str = computed_bin_str
if computed_bin_str == bin_str:
self.index = index
self.bin_str = bin_str
raise ResultAttributeError(
f"The value of bin_str {bin_str} doesn't match with the"
f" index provided {index} and the number of qubits {self.nb_qubits}"
def __str__(self):
return f"State: {self.bin_str}, Index: {self.index}, Count: {self.count}, Probability: {self.probability}"
def __repr__(self):
return f"Sample({self.nb_qubits}, index={self.index}, count={self.count}, probability={self.probability})"
class Result:
"""Result associated to a submitted job.
The data type in a result depends on the job type, according to the
following chart:
| Job Type | Data Type |
| OBSERVABLE | float |
| SAMPLE | list[Sample] |
| STATE_VECTOR| StateVector |
job: Type of the job related to this result.
data: Data of the result, can be an expectation value (float), a
StateVector, or a list of sample depending on the job_type.
error: Information about the error or the variance in the measurement.
shots: Number of shots of the experiment (equal to zero if the exact
value was required).
>>> job = Job(JobType.STATE_VECTOR, QCircuit(2), ATOSDevice.MYQLM_CLINALG)
>>> print(Result(job, StateVector(np.array([1, 1, 1, -1], dtype=np.complex64) / 2, 2), 0, 0)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Result: None, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_CLINALG
State vector: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5]
Probabilities: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
Number of qubits: 2
>>> job = Job(JobType.SAMPLE, QCircuit(2), ATOSDevice.MYQLM_CLINALG, BasisMeasure([0, 1], shots=1000))
>>> print(Result(job, [
... Sample(2, index=0, count=250),
... Sample(2, index=3, count=250)
... ], 0.034, 500)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Result: None, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_CLINALG
Counts: [250, 0, 0, 250]
Probabilities: [0.5, 0, 0, 0.5]
State: 00, Index: 0, Count: 250, Probability: 0.5
State: 11, Index: 3, Count: 250, Probability: 0.5
Error: 0.034
>>> job = Job(JobType.OBSERVABLE, QCircuit(2), ATOSDevice.MYQLM_CLINALG)
>>> print(Result(job, -3.09834, 0.021, 2048)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Result: None, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_CLINALG
Expectation value: -3.09834
Error/Variance: 0.021
# TODO: in this class, there is a lot of manual type checking, this is an
# anti-pattern in my opinion, it should probably be fixed using subclasses
def __init__(
job: Job,
data: float | StateVector | list[Sample],
error: Optional[float] = None,
shots: int = 0,
self.job = job
"""See parameter description."""
self._expectation_value = None
self._state_vector = None
self._probabilities = None
self._counts = None
self._samples = None
self.shots = shots
"""See parameter description."""
self.error = error
"""See parameter description."""
self._data = data
# depending on the type of job, fills the result info from the data in parameter
if job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE:
if not isinstance(data, float):
raise TypeError(
"Wrong type of data in the result. "
"Expecting float for expectation value of an observable"
self._expectation_value = data
elif job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR:
if not isinstance(data, StateVector):
raise TypeError(
"Wrong type of data in the result. Expecting StateVector"
self._state_vector = data
self._probabilities = data.probabilities
elif job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE:
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise TypeError(
"Wrong type of data in the result (not a list). Expecting list of Sample"
if self.job.measure is None:
raise ValueError(
f"{self.job=} has no measure, making the counting impossible"
self._samples = data
is_counts = all([sample.count is not None for sample in data])
is_probas = all([sample.probability is not None for sample in data])
if is_probas:
probas = [0.0] * (2**self.job.measure.nb_qubits)
for sample in data:
probas[sample.index] = sample.probability
self._probabilities = np.array(probas, dtype=float)
counts = [
for count in np.round(self.job.measure.shots * self._probabilities)
self._counts = counts
for sample in self._samples:
sample.count = self._counts[sample.index]
elif is_counts:
counts: list[int] = [0] * (2**self.job.measure.nb_qubits)
for sample in data:
assert sample.count is not None
counts[sample.index] = sample.count
self._counts = counts
assert shots != 0
self._probabilities = np.array(counts, dtype=float) / self.shots
for sample in self._samples:
sample.probability = self._probabilities[sample.index]
raise ValueError(
f"For {JobType.SAMPLE.name} jobs, all samples must contain"
" either `count` or `probability` (and the non-None "
"attribute amongst the two must be the same in all samples)."
self.samples.sort(key=lambda sample: sample.bin_str)
raise ValueError(f"{job.job_type} not handled")
def device(self) -> AvailableDevice:
"""Device on which the job of this result was run"""
return self.job.device
def expectation_value(self) -> float:
"""Get the expectation value stored in this result"""
if self.job.job_type != JobType.OBSERVABLE:
raise ResultAttributeError(
f"Job type: {self.job.job_type.name} but cannot get expectation"
" value if the job type is not OBSERVABLE."
assert self._expectation_value is not None
return self._expectation_value
def amplitudes(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.complex64]:
"""Get the amplitudes of the state of this result"""
if self.job.job_type != JobType.STATE_VECTOR:
raise ResultAttributeError(
"Cannot get amplitudes if the job was not of type STATE_VECTOR"
assert self._state_vector is not None
return self._state_vector.amplitudes
def state_vector(self) -> StateVector:
"""Get the state vector of the state associated with this result"""
if self.job.job_type != JobType.STATE_VECTOR:
raise ResultAttributeError(
"Cannot get state vector if the job was not of type STATE_VECTOR"
assert self._state_vector is not None
return self._state_vector
def samples(self) -> list[Sample]:
"""Get the list of samples of the result"""
if self.job.job_type != JobType.SAMPLE:
raise ResultAttributeError(
"Cannot get samples if the job was not of type SAMPLE"
assert self._samples is not None
return self._samples
def probabilities(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float32]:
"""Get the list of probabilities associated with this result"""
if self.job.job_type not in (JobType.SAMPLE, JobType.STATE_VECTOR):
raise ResultAttributeError(
"Cannot get probabilities if the job was not of"
assert self._probabilities is not None
return self._probabilities
def counts(self) -> list[int]:
"""Get the list of counts for each sample of the experiment"""
if self.job.job_type != JobType.SAMPLE:
raise ResultAttributeError(
"Cannot get counts if the job was not of type SAMPLE"
assert self._counts is not None
return self._counts
def __str__(self):
header = (
f"Result: {self.job.circuit.label}, {type(self.device).__name__}, {self.device.name}"
if self.job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE:
samples_str = "\n".join(map(lambda s: f" {s}", self.samples))
return f"""{header}
Counts: {self._counts}
Probabilities: {clean_array(self.probabilities)}
Error: {self.error}"""
if self.job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR:
return header + "\n" + str(self.state_vector)
if self.job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE:
return f"""{header}
Expectation value: {self.expectation_value}
Error/Variance: {self.error}"""
raise NotImplementedError(
f"I don't know how to represent results of {self.job.job_type} jobs"
" as a string."
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f"Result({repr(self.job)}, {repr(self._data)}, {repr(self.error)}, "
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True):
"""Extract sampling info from the result and construct the bar diagram
show: ``plt.show()`` is only executed if ``show``, useful to batch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
if show:
x_array, y_array = self._to_display_lists()
x_axis = range(len(x_array))
plt.bar(x_axis, y_array, color=(*[random.random() for _ in range(3)], 0.9))
plt.xticks(x_axis, x_array, rotation=-60)
device = self.job.device
plt.title(type(device).__name__ + "\n" + device.name)
if show:
def _to_display_lists(self) -> tuple[list[str], list[int]]:
"""Transform a result into an x and y array containing the string of
basis state with the associated counts.
The list of each basis state and the corresponding counts.
if self.job.job_type != JobType.SAMPLE:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"{self.job.job_type} not handled, only {JobType.SAMPLE} is handled for now."
if self.job.measure is None:
raise ValueError(
f"{self.job=} has no measure, making the counting impossible"
n = self.job.measure.nb_qubits
x_array = [f"|{bin(i)[2:].zfill(n)}⟩" for i in range(2**n)]
y_array = self.counts
return x_array, y_array
class BatchResult:
"""Class used to handle several Result instances.
results: List of results.
>>> result1 = Result(
... Job(JobType.STATE_VECTOR,QCircuit(0),ATOSDevice.MYQLM_PYLINALG),
... StateVector(np.array([1, 1, 1, -1])/2, 2),
... 0,
... 0
... )
>>> result2 = Result(
... Job(
... JobType.SAMPLE,
... QCircuit(0),
... BasisMeasure([0,1],shots=500)
... ),
... [Sample(2, index=0, count=250), Sample(2, index=3, count=250)],
... 0.034,
... 500)
>>> result3 = Result(
... Job(JobType.OBSERVABLE,QCircuit(0),ATOSDevice.MYQLM_PYLINALG),
... -3.09834,
... 0.021,
... 2048
... )
>>> batch_result = BatchResult([result1, result2, result3])
>>> print(batch_result)
BatchResult: 3 results
Result: None, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_PYLINALG
State vector: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5]
Probabilities: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
Number of qubits: 2
Result: None, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_PYLINALG
Counts: [250, 0, 0, 250]
Probabilities: [0.5, 0, 0, 0.5]
State: 00, Index: 0, Count: 250, Probability: 0.5
State: 11, Index: 3, Count: 250, Probability: 0.5
Error: 0.034
Result: None, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_PYLINALG
Expectation value: -3.09834
Error/Variance: 0.021
>>> print(batch_result[0])
Result: None, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_PYLINALG
State vector: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5]
Probabilities: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
Number of qubits: 2
def __init__(self, results: list[Result]):
self.results = results
"""See parameter description."""
def __str__(self):
header = f"BatchResult: {len(self.results)} results\n"
body = "\n".join(map(str, self.results))
return header + body
def __repr__(self):
return f"BatchResult({self.results})"
def __getitem__(self, index: int):
return self.results[index]
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True):
"""Display the result(s) using ``matplotlib.pyplot``.
The result(s) must be from a job who's ``job_type`` is ``SAMPLE``. They will
be displayed as histograms.
If a ``BatchResult`` is given, the contained results will be displayed in a
grid using subplots.
show: ``plt.show()`` is only executed if ``show``, useful to batch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
n_cols = math.ceil((len(self.results) + 1) // 2)
n_rows = math.ceil(len(self.results) / n_cols)
for index, result in enumerate(self.results):
plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, index + 1)
if show: