Source code for mpqp.execution.result

"""Once the computation ended, the :class:`Result` contains all the data from
the execution.

The job type affects the data contained in the :class:`Result`. For a given 
``result``, here are how to retrieve the data depending on the job type:

- for a job type ``STATE_VECTOR`` you can retrieve the :class:`StateVector` from 
  ``result.state_vector``. If you want to directly get the amplitudes of your
  state vector, you can reach for ``result.amplitudes``;
- for a job type ``SAMPLE`` you can retrieve the list of :class:`Sample` from 
  ``result.samples``. For a ``SAMPLE`` job type, you might be interested in
  results packed in a different shape than a list of :class:`Sample`, even
  though you could rebuild them from said list, we also provide a few shorthands
  like ``result.probabilities`` and ``result.counts``;
- for a job type ``OBSERVABLE`` you can retrieve the expectation value (a 
  ``float``) from ``result.expectation_value``.

When several devices are given to :func:``, the 
results are stored in a :class:`BatchResult`.

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import random
from numbers import Complex
from typing import Any, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from typeguard import typechecked

from mpqp.core.instruction.measurement.basis_measure import BasisMeasure
from mpqp.core.instruction.measurement.pauli_string import PauliString
from mpqp.execution import Job, JobType
from mpqp.execution.devices import AvailableDevice
from import clean_1D_array, clean_number_repr
from import ResultAttributeError

[docs]@typechecked class StateVector: """Class representing the state vector of a multi-qubit quantum system. Args: vector: List of amplitudes defining the state vector. nb_qubits: Number of qubits of the state. probabilities: List of probabilities associated with the state vector. Example: >>> state_vector = StateVector(np.array([1, 1, 1, -1])/2, 2) >>> state_vector.probabilities array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) >>> print(state_vector) State vector: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5] Probabilities: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] Number of qubits: 2 """ def __init__( self, vector: list[Complex] | npt.NDArray[np.complex64], nb_qubits: Optional[int] = None, probabilities: Optional[list[float] | npt.NDArray[np.float32]] = None, ): if len(np.asarray(vector)) == 0: raise ValueError("vector should not be empty") self.vector: npt.NDArray[np.complex64] = np.array(vector, dtype=complex) self.nb_qubits = ( int(math.log(len(vector), 2)) if nb_qubits is None else nb_qubits ) """See parameter description.""" self.probabilities = ( abs(self.vector) ** 2 if probabilities is None else np.array(probabilities) ) """See parameter description.""" @property def amplitudes(self): """Return the amplitudes of the state vector""" return self.vector def __str__(self): return f""" State vector: {clean_1D_array(self.vector)} Probabilities: {clean_1D_array(self.probabilities)} Number of qubits: {self.nb_qubits}""" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"StateVector({clean_1D_array(self.vector)})"
[docs]@typechecked class Sample: """A sample is a partial result of job job with type ``SAMPLE``. It contains the count (and potentially the associated probability) for a given basis state, *i.e.* the number of times this basis state was measured. Args: nb_qubits: Number of qubits of the quantum system of the experiment. probability: Probability of measuring the basis state associated to this sample. index: Index in decimal notation representing the basis state. count: Number of times this basis state was measured during the experiment. bin_str: String representing the basis state in binary notation. Examples: >>> print(Sample(3, index=3, count=250, bin_str="011")) State: 011, Index: 3, Count: 250, Probability: None >>> print(Sample(4, index=6, probability=0.5)) State: 0110, Index: 6, Count: None, Probability: 0.5 >>> print(Sample(5, bin_str="01011", count=1234)) State: 01011, Index: 11, Count: 1234, Probability: None """ def __init__( self, nb_qubits: int, probability: Optional[float] = None, index: Optional[int] = None, count: Optional[int] = None, bin_str: Optional[str] = None, ): self.nb_qubits = nb_qubits """See parameter description.""" self.count = count """See parameter description.""" self.probability = probability """See parameter description.""" self.bin_str: str """See parameter description.""" self.index: int """See parameter description.""" if index is None: if bin_str is None: raise ValueError( "At least one of `bin_str` and `index` arguments is necessary" ) else: self.index = int(bin_str, 2) self.bin_str = bin_str else: computed_bin_str = bin(index)[2:].zfill(self.nb_qubits) if bin_str is None: self.index = index self.bin_str = computed_bin_str else: if computed_bin_str == bin_str: self.index = index self.bin_str = bin_str else: raise ResultAttributeError( f"The value of bin_str {bin_str} doesn't match with the" f" index provided {index} and the number of qubits {self.nb_qubits}" ) def __str__(self): return ( f"State: {self.bin_str}, Index: {self.index}, Count: {self.count}" + f", Probability: {np.round(self.probability, 5) if self.probability is not None else None}" ) def __repr__(self): return f"Sample({self.nb_qubits}, index={self.index}, count={self.count}, probability={self.probability})"
[docs]@typechecked class Result: """Result associated to a submitted job. The data type in a result depends on the job type, according to the following chart: +-------------+--------------+ | Job Type | Data Type | +=============+==============+ | OBSERVABLE | float | +-------------+--------------+ | SAMPLE | list[Sample] | +-------------+--------------+ | STATE_VECTOR| StateVector | +-------------+--------------+ Args: job: Type of the job related to this result. data: Data of the result, can be an expectation value (float), a StateVector, or a list of sample depending on the job_type. errors: Information about the error or the variance in the measurement. shots: Number of shots of the experiment (equal to zero if the exact value was required). Examples: >>> job = Job(JobType.STATE_VECTOR, QCircuit(2), ATOSDevice.MYQLM_CLINALG) >>> print(Result(job, StateVector(np.array([1, 1, 1, -1], dtype=np.complex64) / 2, 2), 0, 0)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result: ATOSDevice, MYQLM_CLINALG State vector: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5] Probabilities: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] Number of qubits: 2 >>> job = Job( ... JobType.SAMPLE, ... QCircuit([BasisMeasure([0, 1], shots=1000)]), ... ATOSDevice.MYQLM_CLINALG, ... BasisMeasure([0, 1], shots=1000), ... ) >>> print(Result(job, [ ... Sample(2, index=0, count=250), ... Sample(2, index=3, count=250) ... ], 0.034, 500)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result: ATOSDevice, MYQLM_CLINALG Counts: [250, 0, 0, 250] Probabilities: [0.5, 0, 0, 0.5] Samples: State: 00, Index: 0, Count: 250, Probability: 0.5 State: 11, Index: 3, Count: 250, Probability: 0.5 Error: 0.034 >>> job = Job(JobType.OBSERVABLE, QCircuit(2), ATOSDevice.MYQLM_CLINALG) >>> print(Result(job, -3.09834, 0.021, 2048)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result: ATOSDevice, MYQLM_CLINALG Expectation value: -3.09834 Error/Variance: 0.021 """ # TODO: in this class, there is a lot of manual type checking, this is an # anti-pattern in my opinion, it should probably be fixed using subclasses def __init__( self, job: Job, data: float | StateVector | list[Sample], errors: Optional[float | dict[PauliString, float] | dict[Any, Any]] = None, shots: int = 0, ): self.job = job """See parameter description.""" self._expectation_value = None self._state_vector = None self._probabilities = None self._counts = None self._samples = None self.shots = shots """See parameter description.""" self.error = errors """See parameter description.""" self._data = data # depending on the type of job, fills the result info from the data in parameter if job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE: if not isinstance(data, float): raise TypeError( "Wrong type of data in the result. " "Expecting float for expectation value of an observable" ) else: self._expectation_value = data elif job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR: if not isinstance(data, StateVector): raise TypeError( "Wrong type of data in the result. Expecting StateVector" ) else: self._state_vector = data if job.circuit.gphase != 0: # Reverse the global phase introduced when using CustomGate, due to Qiskit decomposition in QASM2 self._state_vector.vector *= np.exp(1j * job.circuit.gphase) self._probabilities = data.probabilities elif job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE: if not isinstance(data, list): raise TypeError( "Wrong type of data in the result (not a list). Expecting list of Sample" ) if self.job.measure is None: raise ValueError( f"{self.job=} has no measure, making the counting impossible" ) self._samples = data is_counts = all([sample.count is not None for sample in data]) is_probas = all([sample.probability is not None for sample in data]) if is_probas: probas = [0.0] * (2**self.job.measure.nb_qubits) for sample in data: probas[sample.index] = sample.probability self._probabilities = np.array(probas, dtype=float) if not is_counts: counts = [ int(count) for count in np.round( self.job.measure.shots * self._probabilities ) ] self._counts = counts for sample in self._samples: sample.count = self._counts[sample.index] if is_counts: counts: list[int] = [0] * (2**self.job.measure.nb_qubits) for sample in data: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert sample.count is not None counts[sample.index] = sample.count self._counts = counts assert shots != 0 if not is_probas: self._probabilities = np.array(counts, dtype=float) / self.shots for sample in self._samples: sample.probability = self._probabilities[sample.index] elif not is_probas: raise ValueError( f"For {} jobs, all samples must contain" " either `count` or `probability` (and the non-None " "attribute amongst the two must be the same in all samples)." ) self.samples.sort(key=lambda sample: sample.bin_str) else: raise ValueError(f"{job.job_type} not handled") @property def device(self) -> AvailableDevice: """Device on which the job of this result was run""" return self.job.device @property def expectation_value(self) -> float: """Get the expectation value stored in this result""" if self.job.job_type != JobType.OBSERVABLE: raise ResultAttributeError( f"Job type: {} but cannot get expectation" " value if the job type is not OBSERVABLE." ) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._expectation_value is not None return self._expectation_value @property def amplitudes(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.complex64]: """Get the amplitudes of the state of this result""" if self.job.job_type != JobType.STATE_VECTOR: raise ResultAttributeError( "Cannot get amplitudes if the job was not of type STATE_VECTOR" ) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._state_vector is not None return self._state_vector.amplitudes @property def state_vector(self) -> StateVector: """Get the state vector of the state associated with this result""" if self.job.job_type != JobType.STATE_VECTOR: raise ResultAttributeError( "Cannot get state vector if the job was not of type STATE_VECTOR" ) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._state_vector is not None return self._state_vector @property def samples(self) -> list[Sample]: """Get the list of samples of the result""" if self.job.job_type != JobType.SAMPLE: raise ResultAttributeError( "Cannot get samples if the job was not of type SAMPLE" ) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._samples is not None return self._samples @property def probabilities(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float32]: """Get the list of probabilities associated with this result""" if self.job.job_type not in (JobType.SAMPLE, JobType.STATE_VECTOR): raise ResultAttributeError( "Cannot get probabilities if the job was not of" " type SAMPLE or STATE_VECTOR" ) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._probabilities is not None return self._probabilities @property def counts(self) -> list[int]: """Get the list of counts for each sample of the experiment""" if self.job.job_type != JobType.SAMPLE: raise ResultAttributeError( "Cannot get counts if the job was not of type SAMPLE" ) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._counts is not None return self._counts def __str__(self): label = "" if self.job.circuit.label is None else self.job.circuit.label + ", " header = f"Result: {label}{type(self.device).__name__}, {}" if self.job.job_type == JobType.SAMPLE: measures = self.job.circuit.measurements if not len(measures) == 1: raise ValueError( "Mismatch between the number of measurements and the job type." ) measure = measures[0] if not isinstance(measure, BasisMeasure): raise ValueError("Mismatch between measurements type and job type.") # assert all(sample.probability is not None for sample in self.samples) probabilities = [ sample.probability for sample in self.samples if sample.probability is not None ] if len(probabilities) != len(self.samples): raise ValueError( f"Some samples ({len(self.samples)-len(probabilities)} of them) have probabilities to None." ) samples_str = "\n".join( f" State: {measure.basis.binary_to_custom(bin(sample.index)[2:].zfill(self.job.circuit.nb_qubits))}, " f"Index: {sample.index}, Count: {sample.count}, Probability: {clean_number_repr(probability)}" for sample, probability in zip(self.samples, probabilities) ) return f"""{header} Counts: {self._counts} Probabilities: {clean_1D_array(self.probabilities)} Samples: {samples_str} Error: {self.error}""" if self.job.job_type == JobType.STATE_VECTOR: return header + "\n" + str(self.state_vector) if self.job.job_type == JobType.OBSERVABLE: return f"""{header} Expectation value: {self.expectation_value} Error/Variance: {self.error}""" raise NotImplementedError( f"I don't know how to represent results of {self.job.job_type} jobs" " as a string." ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"Result({repr(self.job)}, {repr(self._data)}, {repr(self.error)}, " f"{repr(self.shots)})" )
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True): """Extract sampling info from the result and construct the bar diagram plot. Args: show: ```` is only executed if ``show``, useful to batch plots. """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if show: plt.figure() x_array, y_array = self._to_display_lists() x_axis = range(len(x_array)), y_array, color=(*[random.random() for _ in range(3)], 0.9)) plt.xticks(x_axis, x_array, rotation=-60) plt.xlabel("State") plt.ylabel("Counts") device = self.job.device plt.title(f"{self.job.circuit.label}, {type(device).__name__}\n{}") if show:
def _to_display_lists(self) -> tuple[list[str], list[int]]: """Transform a result into an x and y array containing the string of basis state with the associated counts. Returns: The list of each basis state and the corresponding counts. """ if self.job.job_type != JobType.SAMPLE: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.job.job_type} not handled, only {JobType.SAMPLE} is handled for now." ) if self.job.measure is None: raise ValueError( f"{self.job=} has no measure, making the counting impossible" ) n = self.job.measure.nb_qubits x_array = [f"|{bin(i)[2:].zfill(n)}⟩" for i in range(2**n)] y_array = self.counts return x_array, y_array
[docs]@typechecked class BatchResult: """Class used to handle several Result instances. Args: results: List of results. Example: >>> result1 = Result( ... Job(JobType.STATE_VECTOR,QCircuit(0, label="StateVector circuit"), ... ATOSDevice.MYQLM_PYLINALG), ... StateVector(np.array([1, 1, 1, -1])/2, 2), ... 0, ... 0 ... ) >>> result2 = Result( ... Job( ... JobType.SAMPLE, ... QCircuit([BasisMeasure([0,1],shots=500)], label="Sample circuit"), ... ATOSDevice.MYQLM_PYLINALG, ... BasisMeasure([0,1],shots=500) ... ), ... [Sample(2, index=0, count=250), Sample(2, index=3, count=250)], ... 0.034, ... 500) >>> result3 = Result( ... Job(JobType.OBSERVABLE,QCircuit(0, label="Observable circuit"), ... ATOSDevice.MYQLM_PYLINALG), ... -3.09834, ... 0.021, ... 2048 ... ) >>> batch_result = BatchResult([result1, result2, result3]) >>> print(batch_result) BatchResult: 3 results Result: StateVector circuit, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_PYLINALG State vector: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5] Probabilities: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] Number of qubits: 2 Result: Sample circuit, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_PYLINALG Counts: [250, 0, 0, 250] Probabilities: [0.5, 0, 0, 0.5] Samples: State: 00, Index: 0, Count: 250, Probability: 0.5 State: 11, Index: 3, Count: 250, Probability: 0.5 Error: 0.034 Result: Observable circuit, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_PYLINALG Expectation value: -3.09834 Error/Variance: 0.021 >>> print(batch_result[0]) Result: StateVector circuit, ATOSDevice, MYQLM_PYLINALG State vector: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5] Probabilities: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] Number of qubits: 2 """ def __init__(self, results: list[Result]): self.results = results """See parameter description.""" def __str__(self): header = f"BatchResult: {len(self.results)} results\n" body = "\n".join(map(str, self.results)) return header + body def __repr__(self): return f"BatchResult({self.results})" def __getitem__(self, index: int): return self.results[index]
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True): """Display the result(s) using ``matplotlib.pyplot``. The result(s) must be from a job who's ``job_type`` is ``SAMPLE``. They will be displayed as histograms. If a ``BatchResult`` is given, the contained results will be displayed in a grid using subplots. Args: show: ```` is only executed if ``show``, useful to batch plots. """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt n_cols = math.ceil((len(self.results) + 1) // 2) n_rows = math.ceil(len(self.results) / n_cols) for index, result in enumerate(self.results): plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, index + 1) result.plot(show=False) plt.tight_layout() if show: