Source code for mpqp.qasm.open_qasm_2_and_3

"""The latest version of OpenQASM (3.0, started in 2020) has been released by
conjoint members of IBM Quantum, AWS Quantum Computing, Zapata Computing, Zurich
Instruments and University of Oxford. This version extends the 2.0 one, adding
some advanced features, and modifying parts of syntax and grammar, making some
part of OpenQASM 2.0 not fully retro-compatible (hence why we need to keep track
of the instructions requiring custom definitions in :class:`Instr`).

This being said, this "new" version was quite slow to come to SDKs, so to help
the transition we are making a few conversion functions available. The main one
being :func:`open_qasm_2_to_3`.

The translation is performed in a two main steps:

1. the OpenQASM 2.0 code is parsed by :func:`parse_openqasm_2_file` (it's a
   basic parse, separating the instructions),
2. each instruction is converted to it's OpenQASM 3.0 counterpart by

Since :func:`open_qasm_2_to_3` needs a few tricky parameters to function
properly, you also have access to a shorthand accepting directly the path of the
file you want to convert: :func:`open_qasm_file_conversion_2_to_3`.

In some cases, having multiple files to deal with can be cumbersome. You can
avoid this pain point by uniting all your source files in a single one using

On the other hand, some providers such as Cirq do not support user defined
gates, requiring to replace all user gate calls by their definition. This is
done using :func:`remove_user_gates`.

import os
import re
from enum import Enum
from os.path import splitext
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from warnings import warn

from anytree import Node, PreOrderIter
from typeguard import typechecked

from import InstructionParsingError

[docs]class Instr(Enum): """Special instruction for which the definition needs to included in the file.""" STD_LIB = 0 CSX = 1 U0 = 2 CU3 = 3 SXDG = 4 RZZ = 5 RXX = 6 RCCX = 7 RC3X = 8 C3X = 9 C4X = 10 C3SQRTX = 11 OQASM2_ALL_STDGATES = 12 OQASM3_ALL_STDGATES = 13 BRAKET_CUSTOM_INCLUDE = 14
std_gates_2 = [ "cu3", "csx", "sxdg", "u0", "rxx", "rzz", "rccx", "rc3x", "c3x", "c3sqrtx", "c4x", ] std_gates_2_3 = ["u", "swap", "cswap", "cp"] std_gates_3 = [ "u1", "u2", "u3", "cx", "CX", "id", "x", "y", "z", "h", "s", "sdg", "t", "tdg", "rx", "ry", "rz", "cz", "cy", "ch", "ccx", "crx", "cry", "crz", "cu", "p", "cphase", "phase", "sx", ]
[docs]@typechecked def qasm_code(instr: Instr) -> str: """Return the string corresponding of the declaration of the instruction in parameter. It is also used to return the whole standard library string when we hard include it. Args: instr: Instr for which we want the corresponding OpenQASM code. Returns: OpenQASM definition of ``instr``. """ # FIXME: if run from outside the mpqp folder, the following line will fuck # things up headers_folder = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/header_codes/" special_file_names = { Instr.OQASM2_ALL_STDGATES: "", Instr.OQASM3_ALL_STDGATES: "", Instr.BRAKET_CUSTOM_INCLUDE: "", } if instr in special_file_names: file_name = special_file_names[instr] else: file_name = + ".qasm" with open(headers_folder + file_name, "r") as f: return
[docs]@typechecked def parse_openqasm_2_file(code: str) -> list[str]: """Splits a complete OpenQASM2 program into individual instructions. Args: code: The complete OpenQASM 2.0 program. Returns: List of instructions. Note: we do not check for correct syntax, it is assumed that the code is well formed. """ # 3M-TODO: deal with comments, for the moment we remove them all # removing comment cleaned_code = "".join([loc.split("//")[0] for loc in code.split("\n")]) cleaned_code = cleaned_code.replace("\t", " ").strip() gate_matches = list(re.finditer(r"gate .*?}", cleaned_code)) sanitized_start = ( cleaned_code[: gate_matches[0].span()[0]] if gate_matches else cleaned_code ) instructions = sanitized_start.split(";") for i in range(len(gate_matches)): # gates definition are added as a single instruction instructions.append(cleaned_code[slice(*(gate_matches[i].span()))]) # all instructions between two gate definitions are added individually instructions.extend( cleaned_code[ gate_matches[i].span()[1] : ( None if i == len(gate_matches) - 1 else gate_matches[i + 1].span()[0] ) ].split(";") ) return list(filter(lambda i: i != "", instructions))
[docs]@typechecked def convert_instruction_2_to_3( instr: str, included_instr: set[Instr], included_tree_current: Node, defined_gates: set[str], path_to_main: str = ".", ) -> tuple[str, str]: """Some instructions changed name from QASM 2 to QASM 3, also the way to import files changed slightly. This function operates those changes on a single instruction. Args: instr: Instruction to be upgraded. included_instr: Some instructions need new imports, in order to keep track of which instruction are already. imported in the overall scope, a dictionary of already included instructions is passed and modified along. included_tree_current: Current Node in the file inclusion tree. defined_gates: Set of custom gates already defined. path_to_main: Path to the main folder from which include paths are described. Returns: The upgraded instruction and the potential code to add in the header as the second element. """ def add_std_lib(): """Add the instruction of including the standard library of OpenQASM3 code if it is not already done""" if Instr.STD_LIB not in included_instr: included_instr.add(Instr.STD_LIB) to_add = qasm_code(Instr.STD_LIB) else: to_add = "" return to_add header_code = "" instructions_code = "" instr_name = instr.split(" ")[0].split("(")[0] # If the line is the OpenQASM header if instr.startswith("OPENQASM 2.0"): header_code += "OPENQASM 3.0;\n" elif instr_name == "include": path = instr.split(" ")[-1].strip("'\"") if path != "": if any(path in for node in included_tree_current.ancestors): raise RuntimeError("Circular dependency detected.") # Convert the file included, add it to the inclusion tree, # and create a new file and include it in the converted code if not any( path in for node in PreOrderIter(included_tree_current.root) ): # checks in the path is not already included with open(f"{path_to_main}/{path}", "r") as f: child = Node(path, parent=included_tree_current) converted_content = open_qasm_2_to_3(, child, path_to_main, defined_gates ) new_path = splitext(path)[0] + "_converted" + splitext(path)[1] with open(f"{path_to_main}/{new_path}", "w") as f: f.write(converted_content) header_code += f"include '{new_path}';\n" elif instr_name in {"qreg", "creg"}: # classical and quantum bits have the same structure # `qreg <name>[<size>];` -> `qubit[<size>] <name>;` m = re.match(r"(\w)reg\s+(.+?)\[(\d+)\]", instr) if m is None: raise InstructionParsingError("On instruction: " + instr) bit_type_prefix = "qu" if == "q" else "" instructions_code += f"{bit_type_prefix}bit[{}] {};\n" elif instr_name == "measure": # `measure <q_name[+reg]?> -> <c_name[+reg]?>;` -> `<c_name[+reg]?> = measure <q_name[+reg]?>;` m = re.match(r"measure\s+(.+?)\s+->\s+(.+)", instr) if m is None: raise InstructionParsingError("On instruction: " + instr) instructions_code += f"{} = measure {};\n" elif instr_name in {"reset", "barrier"}: instructions_code += instr + ";\n" elif instr_name.lower() == "u": warn( dedent( """OpenQASMTranslationWarning: There is a phase e^(i(a+c)/2) difference between U(a,b,c) gate in 2.0 and 3.0. We handled that for you by adding the extra phase at the right place. Be careful if you want to create a control gate from this circuit/gate, the phase can become non-global.""" ) ) header_code += add_std_lib() instructions_code += "u3" + instr[1:] + ";\n" elif instr_name == "cu1": header_code += add_std_lib() instructions_code += "cp" + instr[3:] + ";\n" elif instr_name in std_gates_3 + std_gates_2_3 + std_gates_2: instructions_code += instr + ";\n" header_code += add_std_lib() new_instr = ( [instruc for instruc in Instr if instr_name ==][0] if instr_name in std_gates_2 else None ) if new_instr is not None and new_instr not in included_instr: included_instr.add(new_instr) header_code += qasm_code(new_instr) elif instr_name == "gate": defined_gates.add(instr.split()[1]) g_string = instr.split("{")[0] + "{\n" g_instructions = filter( lambda i: not re.fullmatch(r"\s*", i), instr.split("{")[1].split("}")[0].split(";"), ) for instruction in g_instructions: instruction = instruction.strip() i_code, h_code = convert_instruction_2_to_3( instruction, included_instr, included_tree_current, defined_gates, path_to_main, ) g_string += " " * 4 + i_code header_code += h_code instructions_code += g_string + "}\n" elif instr_name == "if": if_statement = instr.split(")")[0] + ")" nested_instr = ")".join(instr.split(")")[1:]) i_code, h_code = convert_instruction_2_to_3( nested_instr, included_instr, included_tree_current, defined_gates, path_to_main, ) instructions_code += if_statement + i_code + ";\n" header_code += h_code elif instr_name == "opaque": raise NotImplementedError("opaque exports not handled yet") else: gate = instr.split()[0] if gate == "ctrl": gate = instr.split()[2] if gate not in defined_gates: raise ValueError(f"Gates undefined at the time of usage: {gate}") if len(instr) != 0: instructions_code += instr + ";\n" return instructions_code, header_code
[docs]@typechecked def open_qasm_2_to_3( code: str, included_tree_current_node: Node = Node("initial_code"), path_to_file: str = ".", defined_gates: set[str] = set(), ) -> str: """Converts an OpenQASM code from version 2.0 and 3.0. This function will also recursively go through the imported files to translate them too. It is a partial conversion (the ``opaque`` keyword is not handled and comments are stripped) for helping building temporary bridges between different platforms that use different versions. Args: code: String containing the OpenQASM 2.0 code and instructions. included_tree_current_node: Current Node in the file inclusion tree. path_to_file: Path to the location of the file from which the code is coming (useful for locating imports). defined_gates: Set of custom gates already defined. Returns: Converted OpenQASM code in the 3.0 version. Example: >>> qasm2_str = '''OPENQASM 2.0; ... qreg q[2]; ... creg c[2]; ... h q[0]; ... cx q[0],q[1]; ... measure q[0] -> c[0]; ... measure q[1] -> c[1]; ... ''' >>> print(open_qasm_2_to_3(qasm2_str)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE OPENQASM 3.0; include ""; qubit[2] q; bit[2] c; h q[0]; cx q[0],q[1]; c[0] = measure q[0]; c[1] = measure q[1]; """ header_code = "" instructions_code = "" instructions = parse_openqasm_2_file(code) included_instructions = set() defined_gates.update(std_gates_2_3 + std_gates_3) for instr in instructions: i_code, h_code = convert_instruction_2_to_3( instr, included_instructions, included_tree_current_node, defined_gates, path_to_file, ) header_code += h_code instructions_code += i_code target_code = header_code + "\n" + instructions_code return target_code
[docs]@typechecked def open_qasm_file_conversion_2_to_3(path: str) -> str: """Converts an OpenQASM code in a file from version 2.0 and 3.0. This function is a shorthand to initialize :func:`open_qasm_2_to_3` with the correct values. Args: path: Path to the file containing the OpenQASM 2.0 code, and eventual imports. Returns: Converted OpenQASM code in the 3.0 version. Examples: >>> example_dir = "examples/scripts/qasm_files/" >>> with open(example_dir + "main.qasm", "r") as f: ... print( # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE OPENQASM 2.0; include "include1.qasm"; include "include2.qasm"; qreg q[2]; creg c[2]; h q[0]; cx q[0],q[1]; gate2 q[0]; gate3 q[0], q[1]; measure q[0] -> c[0]; measure q[1] -> c[1]; >>> print(open_qasm_file_conversion_2_to_3(example_dir + "main.qasm")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE OPENQASM 3.0; include 'include1_converted.qasm'; include 'include2_converted.qasm'; include ""; qubit[2] q; bit[2] c; h q[0]; cx q[0],q[1]; gate2 q[0]; gate3 q[0], q[1]; c[0] = measure q[0]; c[1] = measure q[1]; >>> with open(example_dir + "include1_converted.qasm", "r") as f: ... print( # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE OPENQASM 3.0; include ""; gate gate2 a { u3(pi, -pi/2, pi/2) a; } >>> with open(example_dir + "include2_converted.qasm", "r") as f: ... print( # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE OPENQASM 3.0; include ""; gate gate3 a, b { u3(0, -pi/2, pi/3) a; cz a, b; } """ with open(path, "r") as f: code = return open_qasm_2_to_3(code, Node(path), str(Path(path).parent))
[docs]@typechecked def open_qasm_hard_includes( code: str, included_files: set[str], path_to_file: str = "./", is_openqasm_header_included: bool = False, ) -> str: r"""Converts an OpenQASM code (2.0 and 3.0) to use no includes, but writes every instruction in previously included files, directly in the code returned. Args: code: String containing the OpenQASM code and instructions. included_files: The set of files already included, used to avoid duplicate imports and circular dependencies. This set should be initialized with the name of the root file you started with. path_to_file: Path used to localize files that are included. is_openqasm_header_included: Boolean used to only include once the OpenQASM header. Returns: Include-less OpenQASM code. Example: >>> examples_folder = "tests/qasm/qasm_examples" >>> filename = examples_folder + "/with_include.qasm" >>> with open(filename) as f: ... print(open_qasm_hard_includes(, {filename}).strip("\n")) gate csx a, b { ctrl @ sx a, b; } """ lines = code.split("\n") converted_code = [] for line in lines: if "include" in line: line_array = line.split() file_name = line_array[line_array.index("include") + 1].strip(";'\"") if file_name not in included_files: included_files.add(file_name) if file_name in {""}: converted_code.append(qasm_code(Instr.OQASM2_ALL_STDGATES)) elif file_name in {""}: converted_code.append(qasm_code(Instr.OQASM3_ALL_STDGATES)) elif file_name in {""}: converted_code.append(qasm_code(Instr.BRAKET_CUSTOM_INCLUDE)) else: with open(path_to_file + file_name, "r") as f: converted_code.append( open_qasm_hard_includes(, included_files, path_to_file, is_openqasm_header_included, ) ) elif line.startswith("OPENQASM "): if not is_openqasm_header_included: converted_code.append(line) is_openqasm_header_included = True else: if not line.startswith("//"): converted_code.append(line) return "\n".join(converted_code)
[docs]def parse_user_gates(qasm_code: str) -> tuple[dict[str, str], str]: r"""Parses user gate definitions from QASM code. Args: qasm_code: The QASM code containing user gate definitions. Returns: A tuple containing a dictionary of user gate definitions and the QASM string stripped of it's user gate definitions. Example: >>> qasm_str = '''gate rzz(theta) a,b { ... cx a,b; ... u1(theta) b; ... cx a,b; ... } ... qubit[3] q; ... bit[1] c0; ... bit[1] c1; ... rzz(0.2) q[1], q[2]; ... c2[0] = measure q[2];''' >>> print(parse_user_gates(qasm_str)) ({'rzz': [['theta'], ['a', 'b'], 'cx a,b;', 'u1(theta) b;', 'cx a,b;']}, 'qubit[3] q;\nbit[1] c0;\nbit[1] c1;\nrzz(0.2) q[1], q[2];\nc2[0] = measure q[2];') """ # TODO: for cleaner gate definitions, they could be objects instead of lists user_gate_definitions = {} replaced_code = qasm_code lines = qasm_code.split("\n") in_user_gate = False current_gate_name = "" current_gate_definition = [] for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith("gate"): in_user_gate = True current_gate_name_parameters = line.split()[1].split("(") current_gate_name = current_gate_name_parameters[0] current_gate_parameters = ( current_gate_name_parameters[1][:-1].split(",") if len(current_gate_name_parameters) > 1 else "" ) current_gate_definition = [] current_gate_qubits = "" for elem in line.split()[2:]: current_gate_qubits += elem current_gate_qubits = current_gate_qubits.replace("{", "").split(",") current_gate_definition.append(current_gate_parameters) current_gate_definition.append(current_gate_qubits) replaced_code = replaced_code.replace(line + "\n", "") elif in_user_gate: if line.strip().endswith("}"): user_gate_definitions[current_gate_name] = current_gate_definition in_user_gate = False else: current_gate_definition.append(line.strip()) replaced_code = replaced_code.replace(line + "\n", "") return user_gate_definitions, replaced_code
[docs]def remove_user_gates(qasm_code: str) -> str: """Replaces instances of user gates with their definitions in the given QASM code. This uses :func:`parse_user_gates` to separate the gate definitions from the rest of the code. Args: qasm_code: The QASM code containing user gate calls. Returns: The QASM code with user gate calls replaced by their definitions. Example: >>> qasm_str = '''gate MyGate a, b { ... h a; ... cx a, b; ... } ... qreg q[3]; ... creg c[2]; ... MyGate q[0], q[1]; ... measure q -> c;''' >>> print(remove_user_gates(qasm_str)) qreg q[3]; creg c[2]; h q[0]; cx q[0], q[1]; measure q -> c; """ replaced_code = qasm_code user_gate_definitions, replaced_code = parse_user_gates(qasm_code) for gate_name in user_gate_definitions: lines = qasm_code.split("\n") for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith(gate_name + " ") or line.strip().startswith( gate_name + "(" ): current_gate_qubits = [ elem.replace(",", "").replace(";", "") for elem in line.split()[1:] ] current_gate_parameters = line.split()[0].split("(") current_gate_parameters = ( current_gate_parameters[1][:-1].split(",") if len(current_gate_parameters) > 1 else [] ) all_gate = "" for gate in user_gate_definitions[gate_name][2:]: all_gate += gate + "\n" for i, parameter in enumerate(user_gate_definitions[gate_name][1]): all_gate = ( all_gate.replace( "," + parameter + ",", ", " + current_gate_qubits[i] + "," ) .replace( " " + parameter + ",", " " + current_gate_qubits[i] + "," ) .replace(parameter + ";", current_gate_qubits[i] + ";") .replace(parameter + " ;", current_gate_qubits[i] + " ;") ) for i, parameter in enumerate(user_gate_definitions[gate_name][0]): all_gate = all_gate.replace(parameter, current_gate_parameters[i]) replaced_code = replaced_code.replace(line + "\n", all_gate) return replaced_code