Source code for mpqp.qasm.qasm_to_braket

"""Amazon Braket made the choice to directly support a subset of OpenQASM 3.0
for gate-based devices and simulators. In fact, Braket supports a set of data
types, statements and pragmas (specific to Braket) for OpenQASM 3.0, sometimes
with a different syntax.

Braket Circuit parser does not support for the moment the OpenQASM 3.0 native
operations (``U`` and ``gphase``) but allows to define custom gates using a
combination of supported standard gates (``rx``, ``ry``, ``rz``, ``cnot``,
``phaseshift`` for instance). Besides, the inclusion of files is not yet handled
by Braket library meaning we use a mechanism of *hard* includes (see
directly in the OpenQASM 3.0 code, to be sure the parser and interpreter have
all definitions in there. We also hard-include all included files in the
OpenQASM 3.0 code inputted for conversion.

.. note::
    In the custom hard-imported file for native and standard gate redefinitions,
    we use ``ggphase`` to define the global phase, instead of the OpenQASM 3.0
    keyword ``gphase``, which is already used and protected by Braket.

Braket ``Circuit``s are created using :func:`qasm3_to_braket_Circuit`. If
needed, you can also generate a Braket ``Program`` from an OpenQASM 3.0 input
string using the :func:`qasm3_to_braket_Program`. However, in this case, the
program parser does not need to redefine the native gates, and thus only
performing a hard import of standard gates and other included file is
sufficient. However, note that a ``Program`` cannot be used to retrieve the
statevector and expectation value in Braket.

import io
import warnings
from logging import StreamHandler, getLogger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from typeguard import typechecked

    from import Program
    from braket.circuits import Circuit

from mpqp.qasm.open_qasm_2_and_3 import open_qasm_hard_includes
from import UnsupportedBraketFeaturesWarning

[docs]@typechecked def qasm3_to_braket_Program(qasm3_str: str) -> "Program": r"""Converting a OpenQASM 3.0 code into a Braket Program. Args: qasm3_str: A string representing the OpenQASM 3.0 code. Returns: A Program equivalent to the QASM code in parameter. Example: >>> qasm_code = ''' ... OPENQASM 3.0; ... qubit[2] q; ... h q[0]; ... ''' >>> program = qasm3_to_braket_Program(qasm_code) >>> print(program) braketSchemaHeader=BraketSchemaHeader(name='', version='1') source='\nOPENQASM 3.0;\nqubit[2] q;\nh q[0];\n' inputs=None """ from import Program # PROBLEM: import and standard gates are not supported by Braket # NOTE: however custom OpenQASM 3 gates declaration is supported by Braket, # the idea is then to hard import the standard lib and other files into the qasm string's header before # giving it to the Program. after_stdgates_included = open_qasm_hard_includes(qasm3_str, set()) program = Program(source=after_stdgates_included, inputs=None) return program
[docs]@typechecked def qasm3_to_braket_Circuit(qasm3_str: str) -> "Circuit": """Converting a OpenQASM 3.0 code into a Braket Circuit. Args: qasm3_str: A string representing the OpenQASM 3.0 code. Returns: A Circuit equivalent to the QASM code in parameter. Example: >>> qasm_code = ''' ... OPENQASM 3.0; ... qubit[2] q; ... h q[0]; ... ''' >>> circuit = qasm3_to_braket_Circuit(qasm_code) >>> print(circuit) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE T : │ 0 │ ┌───┐ q0 : ─┤ H ├─ └───┘ T : │ 0 │ """ # PROBLEM: import and standard gates are not supported by Braket # NOTE: however custom OpenQASM 3 gates declaration is supported by Braket, # SOLUTION: the idea is then to hard import the standard lib and other files into the qasm string's header before # giving it to the Circuit. # PROBLEM2: Braket doesn't support NATIVE freaking gates U and gphase, so the trick may not work for the moment # for circuit, only for program # SOLUTION: import a specific qasm file with U and gphase redefined with the supported Braket SDK gates, and by # removing from this import file the already handled gates from braket.circuits import Circuit qasm3_str = qasm3_str.replace("", "") after_stdgates_included = open_qasm_hard_includes(qasm3_str, set()) braket_warning_message = ( "This program uses OpenQASM language features that may not be supported" " on QPUs or on-demand simulators." ) braket_logger = getLogger() logger_output_stream = io.StringIO() stream_handler = StreamHandler(logger_output_stream) braket_logger.addHandler(stream_handler) circuit = Circuit.from_ir(after_stdgates_included) braket_logger.removeHandler(stream_handler) log_lines = logger_output_stream.getvalue().split("\n") for message in log_lines: if message == braket_warning_message: warnings.warn( "\n" + braket_warning_message, UnsupportedBraketFeaturesWarning ) else: if message != "": braket_logger.warning(message) return circuit