Source code for mpqp.qasm.qasm_to_cirq

"""The Cirq library allows the user to instantiate a Cirq ``Circuit`` from an
OpenQASM 2.0 code.

The Cirq parser lacks native support for certain OpenQASM 2.0 operations such as
``cu1``, ``crz``, ``cu3``, ``reset``, ``u0``, ``p``, ``cp``, ``u``, ``rzz``,
``rxx`` and custom ``gate``. To address this limitation, we are redefining these
gates so you can use them on Cirq devices even though Cirq doesn't support it (a
behavior sometimes called *polyfill*, especially in the browser world). These
features are handled by :func:`qasm2_to_cirq_Circuit`.

In addition, Cirq does not handle user defined gates. So an important part of
:func:`qasm2_to_cirq_Circuit` is also a function which might be useful to you:

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from cirq.circuits.circuit import Circuit as cirq_circuit

from typeguard import typechecked

from mpqp.qasm.open_qasm_2_and_3 import remove_user_gates

[docs]@typechecked def qasm2_to_cirq_Circuit(qasm_str: str) -> "cirq_circuit": """ Converting a OpenQASM 2.0 code into a cirq Circuit Args: qasm_str: a string representing the OpenQASM 2.0 code Returns: a Circuit equivalent to the QASM code in parameter Example: >>> qasm_code = ''' ... OPENQASM 2.0; ... include ""; ... qreg q[2]; ... h q[0]; ... cx q[0], q[1]; ... ''' >>> circuit = qasm2_to_cirq_Circuit(qasm_code) >>> print(circuit) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE q_0: ───I───H───@─── q_1: ───I───────X─── """ import numpy as np from cirq.circuits.qasm_output import QasmUGate from cirq.contrib.qasm_import._parser import QasmGateStatement, QasmParser from cirq.ops.common_channels import ResetChannel from cirq.ops.common_gates import ry, rz from cirq.ops.controlled_gate import ControlledGate from cirq.ops.global_phase_op import GlobalPhaseGate from cirq.ops.raw_types import Gate, Qid from cirq.ops.wait_gate import WaitGate from cirq.protocols.circuit_diagram_info_protocol import CircuitDiagramInfoArgs from cirq.value.duration import Duration qasm_str = remove_user_gates(qasm_str, skip_qelib1=True) class PhaseGate(Gate): def __init__(self, theta: complex): super(PhaseGate, self) self.theta = theta def _num_qubits_(self): return 1 def _unitary_(self): return np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.exp(1j * self.theta)]]) def _circuit_diagram_info_(self, args: CircuitDiagramInfoArgs): return f"P({self.theta})" class Rxx(Gate): def __init__(self, theta: complex): super(Rxx, self) self.theta = theta def _num_qubits_(self): return 2 def _unitary_(self): return np.array( [ [np.cos(self.theta / 2), 0, 0, -1j * np.sin(self.theta / 2)], [0, np.cos(self.theta / 2), -1j * np.sin(self.theta / 2), 0], [0, -1j * np.sin(self.theta / 2), np.cos(self.theta / 2), 0], [-1j * np.sin(self.theta / 2), 0, 0, np.cos(self.theta / 2)], ] ) def _circuit_diagram_info_(self, args: CircuitDiagramInfoArgs): return f"Rxx({self.theta})" class Rzz(Gate): def __init__(self, theta: complex): super(Rzz, self) self.theta = theta def _num_qubits_(self): return 2 def _unitary_(self): return np.array( [ [np.exp(-1j * self.theta / 2), 0, 0, 0], [0, np.exp(1j * self.theta / 2), 0, 0], [0, 0, np.exp(1j * self.theta / 2), 0], [0, 0, 0, np.exp(-1j * self.theta / 2)], ] ) def _circuit_diagram_info_(self, args: CircuitDiagramInfoArgs): return f"Rzz({self.theta})" class MyQasmUGate(QasmUGate): # pyright: ignore[reportUntypedBaseClass] def __init__( self, theta, phi, lmda # pyright: ignore[reportMissingParameterType] ) -> None: self.lmda = lmda self.theta = theta self.phi = phi def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f'U(' f'theta={self.theta !r}, ' f'phi={self.phi!r}, ' f'lmda={self.lmda})' ) def _decompose_(self, qubits: tuple[Qid, ...]): q = qubits[0] return [ GlobalPhaseGate(np.exp(1j * (self.lmda + self.phi) / 2)).on(), rz(self.lmda).on(q), ry(self.theta).on(q), rz(self.phi).on(q), ] # Remove the line containing the barrier keyword modified_lines = [line for line in qasm_str.split("\n") if "barrier" not in line] qasm_str = "\n".join(modified_lines) qasm_parser = QasmParser() qs_dict = { "cu1": QasmGateStatement( qasm_gate="cu1", num_params=1, num_args=2, cirq_gate=(lambda params: ControlledGate(MyQasmUGate(0, 0, params[0]))), ), "cu3": QasmGateStatement( qasm_gate="cu3", num_params=3, num_args=2, cirq_gate=( lambda params: ControlledGate(MyQasmUGate(*[p for p in params])) ), ), "crz": QasmGateStatement( qasm_gate="crz", num_params=1, num_args=2, cirq_gate=(lambda params: ControlledGate(rz(params[0]))), ), "reset": QasmGateStatement( qasm_gate="reset", num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ResetChannel() ), "u0": QasmGateStatement( qasm_gate="u0", num_params=1, num_args=1, cirq_gate=(lambda params: WaitGate(Duration(micros=params[0]))), ), "p": QasmGateStatement( qasm_gate="p", num_params=1, num_args=1, cirq_gate=(lambda params: PhaseGate(params[0])), ), "cp": QasmGateStatement( qasm_gate="cp", num_params=1, num_args=2, cirq_gate=(lambda params: ControlledGate(PhaseGate(params[0]))), ), "u": QasmGateStatement( qasm_gate="u3", num_params=3, num_args=1, cirq_gate=(lambda params: MyQasmUGate(*[p for p in params])), ), "rxx": QasmGateStatement( qasm_gate="rxx", num_params=1, num_args=2, cirq_gate=(lambda params: Rxx(params[0])), ), "rzz": QasmGateStatement( qasm_gate="rzz", num_params=1, num_args=2, cirq_gate=(lambda params: Rzz(params[0])), ), } qasm_parser.all_gates |= qs_dict def p_new_reg2(self, p): # pyright: ignore[reportMissingParameterType] """new_reg : QREG ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']' ';' | CREG ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']' ';'""" from cirq.ops.named_qubit import NamedQubit from cirq.contrib.qasm_import.exception import QasmException name, length = p[2], p[4] if name in self.qregs.keys() or name in self.cregs.keys(): raise QasmException(f"{name} is already defined at line {p.lineno(2)}") if length == 0: raise QasmException( f"Illegal, zero-length register '{name}' at line {p.lineno(4)}" ) if p[1] == "qreg": self.qregs[name] = length for idx in range(self.qregs[name]): arg_name = self.make_name(idx, name) if arg_name not in self.qubits.keys(): self.qubits[arg_name] = NamedQubit(arg_name) from cirq.ops.identity import I self.circuit.append(I(NamedQubit(arg_name))) else: self.cregs[name] = length p[0] = (name, length) qasm_parser.p_new_reg = p_new_reg2.__get__(qasm_parser) from ply import yacc qasm_parser.parser = yacc.yacc(module=qasm_parser, debug=False, write_tables=False) return qasm_parser.parse(qasm_str).circuit