Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from numbers import Complex, Real
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

    from sympy import Expr, Basic

from typeguard import typechecked

from .generics import Matrix

[docs]@typechecked def state_vector_ket_shape(sv: npt.NDArray[np.complex64]) -> str: """Formats a state vector into its ket format.""" if len(sv.shape) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Input state {sv} should be a vector (1 dimensional matrix).") nb_qubits = int(np.log2(len(sv))) if 2**nb_qubits != len(sv): raise ValueError(f"Input state {sv} should have a power of 2 size") return ( " ".join( f"{with_sign(v)}|{np.binary_repr(i,nb_qubits)}⟩" for i, v in enumerate(sv) if v.round(3) != 0 ) )[2:]
[docs]@typechecked def with_sign(val: Union[np.complex64, np.complex128]) -> str: """Sometimes, we want values under a specific format, in particular ``<sign> <value>``. Where value is as simple as possible (*e.g.* no period or no imaginary part if there is no need). Args: val: The value to be formatted. Returns: The formatted value """ rounded = _remove_null_imag(val) if rounded == 1: return "+ " if rounded.real == 0: sign = "+ " if rounded.imag >= 0 else "- " rounded = _remove_unnecessary_decimals(abs(rounded)) return sign + str(rounded) + "j" str_rounded = str(rounded) if str_rounded.startswith("-") or str_rounded.startswith("(-"): return "- " + str(-rounded) return "+ " + str_rounded
@typechecked def _remove_null_imag( val: np.complex64 | np.complex128, ) -> np.complex64 | np.complex128 | np.float32 | int: val = np.round(val, 3) if val.imag != 0: return val return _remove_unnecessary_decimals(val.real) @typechecked def _remove_unnecessary_decimals( val: np.float32 | np.float64 | int, ) -> np.float32 | int: val = np.float32(val) if val.is_integer(): return int(val) return val @typechecked def _unpack_expr(expr: Expr | Basic): if str(expr).startswith("Expr"): return _unpack_expr(expr.args[0]) return expr
[docs]def format_element(element: Union[Real, int, float, complex, Expr], round: int = 10): """ Formats a numeric or symbolic element for cleaner representation. Rounds the real and imaginary parts of a number to a specified number of decimal places, formats whole numbers as integers, and properly handles symbolic expressions by simplifying them. Args: element: The element to format, which can be an integer, float, complex number, or symbolic expression. round: The number of decimal places to round to for real and imaginary parts. Returns: The formatted element without converting it to a string. Example: >>> type(format_element(3.456789, round=4)) <class 'float'> >>> type(format_element(1+2j, round=2)) <class 'complex'> >>> type(format_element(3+0j)) <class 'int'> >>> from sympy import symbols, Expr >>> x = symbols('x') >>> x_ = 1 +x >>> x_ = x_.subs({'x': 1}) >>> type(x_) <class 'sympy.core.numbers.Integer'> >>> type(format_element(x_)) <class 'int'> """ from sympy import Expr if isinstance(element, Expr): if element.is_Float: return float(element) elif element.is_Integer: return int(element) return _unpack_expr(element.simplify()) real_part = float(np.round(np.real(complex(element)), round)) imag_part = float(np.round(np.imag(element), round)) if abs(real_part - int(real_part)) < 10 ** (-round): real_part = int(real_part) if abs(imag_part - int(imag_part)) < 10 ** (-round): imag_part = int(imag_part) if real_part == 0 and imag_part != 0: return imag_part * 1j if imag_part == 0: return real_part return real_part + imag_part * 1j
[docs]@typechecked def format_element_str( element: Union[int, float, complex | Expr], round: int = 5 ) -> str: """ Formats a numeric or symbolic element for cleaner representation. Rounds the real and imaginary parts of a number to a specified number of decimal places, formats whole numbers as integers, and properly handles symbolic expressions by simplifying them. It produces a string representation of the element, with 'j' notation for complex numbers and a simplified form for symbolic expressions. Args: element: The element to format, which can be an integer, float, complex number, or symbolic expression. round: The number of decimal places to round to for real and imaginary parts. Returns: A string representation of the formatted element. Example: >>> format_element_str(3.456789, round=4) '3.4568' >>> format_element_str(1+2j, round=2) '1+2j' >>> format_element_str(3+0j) '3' >>> from sympy import symbols, Expr >>> x = symbols('x') >>> format_element_str(Expr(x + x)) '2*x' """ from sympy import Expr if isinstance(element, Expr): if element.is_Float: element = float(element) else: return str(_unpack_expr(element.simplify())) real_part = np.round(np.real(element), round) imag_part = np.round(np.imag(element), round) if abs(real_part - int(real_part)) < 10 ** (-round): real_part = int(real_part) if abs(imag_part - int(imag_part)) < 10 ** (-round): imag_part = int(imag_part) if real_part == 0 and imag_part != 0: real_part = "" if imag_part == 0: imag_part = "" else: imag_part = str(imag_part) + "j" if real_part != "" and not imag_part.startswith("-"): imag_part = "+" + imag_part return f"{str(real_part)}{str(imag_part)}"
[docs]@typechecked def clean_1D_array( array: list[Complex] | npt.NDArray[np.complex64 | np.float32 | np.int32], round: int = 5, ) -> str: """Cleans and formats elements of a one dimensional array. This function rounds the parts of the numbers in the array and formats them as integers if appropriate. It returns a string representation of the cleaned array. Args: array: An array containing numeric elements. round: precision to round the numbers to. Returns: A string representation of the cleaned array. Example: >>> clean_1D_array([1.234567895546, 2.3456789645645, 3.45678945645]) '[1.23457, 2.34568, 3.45679]' >>> clean_1D_array([1+2j, 3+4j, 5+6j]) '[1+2j, 3+4j, 5+6j]' >>> clean_1D_array([1+0j, 0.5+0j, 5.+1j]) '[1, 0.5, 5+1j]' >>> clean_1D_array([1.0, 2.1, 3.0]) '[1, 2.1, 3]' >>> clean_1D_array([1+0j, 0+0j, 5.]) '[1, 0, 5]' >>> clean_1D_array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) '[1, 2, 3]' >>> clean_1D_array([-0.01e-09+9.82811211e-01j, 1.90112689e-01+5.22320655e-09j, ... 2.91896816e-09-2.15963155e-09j, -4.17753839e-09-5.64638430e-09j, ... 9.44235988e-08-8.58300965e-01j, -5.42123454e-08+2.07957438e-07j, ... 5.13144658e-01+2.91786504e-08j, -0000000.175980538-1.44108434e-07j]) '[0.98281j, 0.19011, 0, 0, -0.8583j, 0, 0.51314, -0.17598]' >>> clean_1D_array([-0.01e-09+9.82811211e-01j, 1.90112689e-01+5.22320655e-09j, ... 2.91896816e-09-2.15963155e-09j, -4.17753839e-09-5.64638430e-09j, ... 9.44235988e-08-8.58300965e-01j, -5.42123454e-08+2.07957438e-07j, ... 5.13144658e-01+2.91786504e-08j, -0000000.175980538-1.44108434e-07j], round=7) '[0.9828112j, 0.1901127, 0, 0, 1e-07-0.858301j, -1e-07+2e-07j, 0.5131446, -0.1759805-1e-07j]' """ return ( "[" + ", ".join( clean_number_repr(element, round) for element in np.array(array, dtype=np.complex64) ) + "]" )
[docs]@typechecked def clean_number_repr(number: Union[complex, np.complex64], round: int = 7): """Cleans and formats a number. This function rounds the parts of complex numbers and formats them as integers if appropriate. It returns a string representation of the number. Args: number: The number to be formatted Returns: A string representation of the number. Example: >>> clean_number_repr(1.234567895546) '1.2345679' >>> clean_number_repr(1.0+2.0j) '1+2j' >>> clean_number_repr(1+0j) '1' >>> clean_number_repr(0.0 + 1.0j) '1j' """ real_part = np.round(np.real(number), round) imag_part = np.round(np.imag(number), round) if real_part == int(real_part): real_part = int(real_part) if imag_part == int(imag_part): imag_part = int(imag_part) if real_part == 0 and imag_part != 0: real_part = "" if imag_part == 0: imag_part = "" else: imag_part = str(imag_part) + "j" if real_part != "" and not imag_part.startswith("-"): imag_part = "+" + imag_part return f"{str(real_part)}{str(imag_part)}"
[docs]@typechecked def clean_matrix(matrix: Matrix, round: int = 5, align: bool = True): """Cleans and formats elements of a 2D matrix. This function rounds the parts of the numbers in the matrix and formats them as integers if appropriate. It returns a string representation of the cleaned matrix. Args: matrix: An 2d array containing numeric elements. round: The number of decimal places to round the real and imaginary parts. align: Whether to align the elements for a cleaner output. Returns: A string representation of the cleaned matrix. Examples: >>> print(clean_matrix(np.array([[1.234567895546, 2.3456789645645, 3.45678945645], ... [1+5j, 0+1j, 5.], ... [1.223123425+0.95113462364j, 2.0, 3.0]]))) [[1.23457 , 2.34568, 3.45679], [1+5j , 1j , 5 ], [1.22312+0.95113j, 2 , 3 ]] """ formatted_matrix = [ [format_element_str(element, round) for element in row] for row in matrix ] if align: max_lengths = [ max(len(row[i]) for row in formatted_matrix) for i in range(len(formatted_matrix[0])) ] formatted_matrix = [ [element.ljust(max_lengths[i]) for i, element in enumerate(row)] for row in formatted_matrix ] return ( "[" + ",\n ".join(["[" + ", ".join(row) + "]" for row in formatted_matrix]) + "]" )
[docs]@typechecked def pprint(matrix: Matrix, round: int = 5, align: bool = True): """Print a cleans and formats elements of a matrix. It rounds the real parts of complex numbers in the matrix places and formats them as integers if they are whole numbers. It returns a string representation of the cleaned matrix without parentheses. Args: matrix: A matrix containing numeric elements, possibly including complex numbers. round: The number of decimal places to round the real and imaginary parts. align: Whether to align the elements for a cleaner output. Example: >>> pprint(np.array([[1.234567895546, 2.3456789645645, 3.45678945645], ... [1+5j, 0+1j, 5.], ... [1.223123425+0.95113462364j, 2.0, 3.0]])) [[1.23457 , 2.34568, 3.45679], [1+5j , 1j , 5 ], [1.22312+0.95113j, 2 , 3 ]] """ print(clean_matrix(matrix, round, align))
[docs]@typechecked def one_lined_repr(obj: object): """One-liner returning a representation of the given object by removing extra whitespace. Args: obj: The object for which a representation is desired. """ return re.sub(r"\s+", " ", repr(obj))