Source code for

"""You will find here the custom exceptions we created in order to provide
clearer errors. When relevant, we also append the trace of the error raised by a
provider's SDK."""

[docs]class InstructionParsingError(ValueError): """Raised when an QASM instruction encountered by the parser is malformed."""
[docs]class NumberQubitsError(ValueError): """Raised when the number of qubits defining an instruction, a gate, or a measurement, is not coherent with the related objects (circuit, matrix, observable, etc...)."""
[docs]class NumberQubitsWarning(UserWarning): """Raised when the number of qubits defining an instruction, a gate, or a measurement, is not coherent with the related objects (circuit, matrix, observable, etc...)."""
[docs]class ResultAttributeError(AttributeError): """Raised when one tries to access the attribute of the result that is incoherent with the associated job."""
[docs]class DeviceJobIncompatibleError(ValueError): """Raised when one tries to run a job with a JobType that is not suitable for the selected device (for example SAMPLE job on a statevector simulator)."""
[docs]class RemoteExecutionError(ConnectionError): """Raised when an error occurred during a remote connection, submission or execution."""
[docs]class IBMRemoteExecutionError(RemoteExecutionError): """Raised when an error occurred during the remote execution process of job(s) on an IBM device."""
[docs]class QLMRemoteExecutionError(RemoteExecutionError): """Raised when an error occurred during the remote execution process of job(s) on the remote QLM."""
[docs]class AWSBraketRemoteExecutionError(RemoteExecutionError): """Raised when an error occurred during the remote execution process of job(s) on the remote Amazon Braket."""
[docs]class UnsupportedBraketFeaturesWarning(UserWarning): """Warning for potential compatibility issues with Braket."""
[docs]class OpenQASMTranslationWarning(UserWarning): """Warning for potential translation error when exporting to OpenQASM."""
[docs]class AdditionalGateNoiseWarning(UserWarning): """Warning for additional noise on native gate used in the decomposition of noisy gate."""
[docs]class NonReversibleWarning(UserWarning): """Warning for nonreversible instruction used in inverse function."""