"""Functions used for the decomposition of observables in the Pauli basis."""
from __future__ import annotations
from numbers import Real
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from typeguard import typechecked
from mpqp.core.instruction.measurement.pauli_string import (
from mpqp.tools import Matrix, is_hermitian, is_power_of_two
paulis: list[PauliStringAtom] = [I, X, Y, Z]
class PauliNode:
"""A class represents a node in the Pauli tree used for decomposing a
Hermitian matrix into a PauliString.
atom: The Pauli atom (I, X, Y, Z) associated with this node.
parent: The parent node in the decomposition tree. ``None`` means that
the node is the root of the tree.
def __init__(
atom: Optional[PauliStringAtom] = None,
parent: Optional["PauliNode"] = None,
self.pauli = atom
self.parent: Optional[PauliNode] = parent
self.depth = parent.depth + 1 if parent is not None else 0
self.children: list[PauliNode] = []
self.coefficient: float = 0.0
if parent is None:
self.nY = 0
self.nY = parent.nY + 1 if atom is Y else parent.nY
def childI(self) -> "PauliNode":
"""Returns the child node corresponding to the Pauli-I atom."""
return self.children[0]
def childX(self) -> "PauliNode":
"""Returns the child node corresponding to the Pauli-X atom."""
return self.children[1]
def childY(self) -> "PauliNode":
"""Returns the child node corresponding to the Pauli-Y atom."""
return self.children[2]
def childZ(self) -> "PauliNode":
"""Returns the child node corresponding to the Pauli-Z atom."""
return self.children[3]
[docs] def get_monomial(self) -> PauliStringMonomial:
"""Constructs and returns the PauliStringMonomial corresponding to the node.
PauliStringMonomial: The monomial representation of the node.
atoms = []
node = self
while node.parent is not None:
node = node.parent
return PauliStringMonomial(self.coefficient, atoms)
def compute_coefficients(
k: list[int],
m: list[bool],
current_node: PauliNode,
matrix: Matrix,
monomial_list: list[PauliStringMonomial],
"""Computes coefficients for the current node in the pauli tree based on the
given matrix.
k: A list of column indices where the non-zero elements of the matrix
are located.
m: A list of booleans corresponding to the non-zero coefficients of the
matrix indexed in `k`. False refers to 1, while True to -1.
current_node: The current node in the Pauli tree.
matrix: The given Hermitian matrix to be decomposed.
monomial_list: A list to store the computed monomials.
m_size = len(matrix)
current_node.coefficient = (
matrix[j, k[j]] * (-1 if m[j] else 1) * (-1j) ** (current_node.nY % 4)
for j in range(m_size)
/ m_size # This factor was forgotten in the article
if current_node.coefficient != 0.0:
def update_tree(current_node: PauliNode, k: list[int], m: list[bool]):
"""Updates k (indices) and m (values) based on the Pauli type of the current
node, and computing coefficients.
current_node: The current node in the Pauli tree.
k: A list of column indices where the non-zero elements of the matrix
are located.
m: A list of booleans corresponding to the non-zero coefficients of the
matrix indexed in `k`. False refers to 1, while True to -1.
l = current_node.depth - 1
t_l = 2**l
if current_node.pauli is I:
for i in range(t_l):
k[i + t_l] = k[i] + t_l
m[i + t_l] = m[i]
elif current_node.pauli is X:
for i in range(t_l):
k[i + t_l] -= t_l
k[i] += t_l
elif current_node.pauli is Y:
for i in range(t_l, 2 * t_l):
m[i] = not m[i]
elif current_node.pauli is Z:
for i in range(t_l):
k[i + t_l] += t_l
k[i] -= t_l
def generate_and_explore_node(
k: list[int],
m: list[bool],
current_node: PauliNode,
matrix: Matrix,
n: int,
monomials: list[PauliStringMonomial],
progression: Optional[list[int]] = None,
"""Recursively generates and explores nodes in the Pauli tree.
k: A list of column indices where the non-zero elements of the matrix
are located. Since the matrix corresponding to each Pauli monomial is sparse and contains only one
non-zero element per line, we only store the index of this element for each line.
m: A list of booleans corresponding to the non-zero coefficients of the
matrix indexed in `k`. By considering the modified Pauli basis (``Y`` replaced by ``iY``), only 2
values are possible: 1 and -1. Thus, they can be stored as booleans: False refers to 1, while True to -1.
current_node: The current node in the Pauli tree.
matrix: The given Hermitian matrix to be decomposed.
n: Number of qubits of the observable.
monomials: A list to store the computed monomials.
progression: Tuple of integers storing the index of the current node and the tree size for printing the
progression. None if no printing required.
if current_node.depth > 0:
update_tree(current_node, k, m)
if current_node.depth < n:
[PauliNode(atom=a, parent=current_node) for a in paulis]
for child in current_node.children:
generate_and_explore_node(k, m, child, matrix, n, monomials, progression)
compute_coefficients(k, m, current_node, matrix, monomials)
if progression is not None:
f"Pauli from matrix (ptdr): {progression[0]}/{progression[1]} nodes "
f"({int(progression[0] / progression[1] * 100)}%)",
progression[0] += 1
def decompose_hermitian_matrix_ptdr(
matrix: Matrix, print_progression: bool = False
) -> PauliString:
"""Decompose the observable represented by the hermitian matrix given in
parameter into a PauliString.
matrix: Hermitian matrix representing the observable to be decomposed.
print_progression: Print the progression of the algorithm through the run (exploration of the node).
PauliString: The resulting decomposition as a PauliString representation.
ValueError: If the matrix is not Hermitian or its dimensions are not a power of 2.
Océane Koska, Marc Baboulin & Arnaud Gazda. (2024). A tree-approach
Pauli decomposition algorithm with application to quantum computing.
Link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2403.11644
if not is_hermitian(matrix):
raise ValueError(
"The matrix in parameter is not hermitian (cannot define an observable)."
size = len(matrix)
if not is_power_of_two(size):
raise ValueError("Matrix dimensions must be a power of 2.")
monomials = []
nb_qubits = int(np.log2(size))
root = PauliNode()
i_k = [0] * size
i_m = [False] * size
progression = [1, 2 ** (2 * nb_qubits)] if print_progression else None
generate_and_explore_node(i_k, i_m, root, matrix, nb_qubits, monomials, progression)
return PauliString(monomials)
class DiagPauliNode:
"""A class represents a node in the Pauli tree used for decomposing a
diagonal observable into a PauliString.
atom: The Pauli atom (I, Z) associated with this node.
parent: The parent node. ``None`` means that
the node is the root of the tree.
def __init__(
atom: Optional[PauliStringAtom] = None,
parent: Optional["DiagPauliNode"] = None,
self.pauli = atom
self.parent: Optional[DiagPauliNode] = parent
self.depth = self.parent.depth + 1 if self.parent is not None else 0
self.children: list[DiagPauliNode] = []
self.coefficient: float = 0.0
def childI(self):
"""Returns the child node corresponding to the Pauli-I atom."""
return self.children[0]
def childZ(self):
"""Returns the child node corresponding to the Pauli-Z atom."""
return self.children[1]
[docs] def get_monomial(self) -> PauliStringMonomial:
"""Constructs and returns the PauliStringMonomial corresponding to the
PauliStringMonomial: The monomial representation of the node.
atoms = []
node = self
while node.parent is not None:
node = node.parent
return PauliStringMonomial(self.coefficient, atoms)
def compute_coefficients_diagonal_case(
m: list[bool],
current_node: DiagPauliNode,
diag_elements: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
monomial_list: list[PauliStringMonomial],
"""Computes coefficients for the current node in the pauli tree based on the
diagonal elements.
m: A list of booleans corresponding to the non-zero coefficients of the
matrix indexed in `k`. False refers to 1, while True to -1.
current_node: The current node in the Pauli tree.
diag_elements: The diagonal elements of the observable.
monomial_list: A list to store the computed monomials.
m_size = len(diag_elements)
current_node.coefficient = (
sum(diag_elements[j] * (-1 if m[j] else 1) for j in range(m_size))
/ m_size # This factor was forgotten in the article
def update_tree_diagonal_case(current_node: DiagPauliNode, m: list[bool]):
"""Updates ``m`` based on the Pauli type of the current node.
current_node: The current node in the tree.
m: A list of booleans corresponding to the non-zero coefficients of the
matrix indexed in `k`. False refers to 1, while True to -1.
l = current_node.depth - 1
t_l = 2**l
if current_node.pauli is I:
m[t_l : 2 * t_l] = m[0:t_l]
elif current_node.pauli is Z:
for i in range(t_l):
m[i + t_l] = not m[i + t_l]
def generate_and_explore_node_diagonal_case(
m: list[bool],
current_node: DiagPauliNode,
diag_elements: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
n: int,
monomials: list[PauliStringMonomial],
progression: Optional[list[int]] = None,
"""Recursively explores the Pauli tree and computes the required monomials.
m: A list of booleans corresponding to the non-zero coefficients of the
matrix indexed in `k`. By considering monomials only made of I and Z, only 2 values are possible: 1 and -1.
Thus, they can be stored as booleans: False refers to 1, while True to -1.
current_node: The current node in the Pauli tree.
diag_elements: The diagonal elements of the observable.
n: The number of qubits.
monomials: A list to store the computed monomials.
progression: Tuple of integers storing the index of the current node and the tree size for printing the
progression. None if no printing required.
if current_node.depth > 0:
update_tree_diagonal_case(current_node, m)
if current_node.depth < n:
current_node.children.append(DiagPauliNode(atom=I, parent=current_node))
current_node.children.append(DiagPauliNode(atom=Z, parent=current_node))
m, current_node.childI, diag_elements, n, monomials, progression
m, current_node.childZ, diag_elements, n, monomials, progression
compute_coefficients_diagonal_case(m, current_node, diag_elements, monomials)
if progression is not None:
f"Pauli from diagonal elements (ptdr): {progression[0]}/{progression[1]} nodes "
f"({int(progression[0] / progression[1] * 100)}%)",
progression[0] += 1
def decompose_diagonal_observable_ptdr(
diag_elements: list[Real] | npt.NDArray[np.float64], print_progression: bool = False
) -> PauliString:
"""Decomposes a diagonal observable into a Pauli string representation.
diag_elements: The diagonal elements of the observable.
print_progression: Print the progression of the algorithm through the run (exploration of the node).
The corresponding Pauli string representation.
diags = np.array(diag_elements)
monomials = []
size = len(diags)
if size == 0:
raise ValueError("Diagonal elements cannot be empty.")
if len(diags.shape) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"List of diagonal elements was expected but matrix of dimension {diags.shape} was given."
if not is_power_of_two(size):
raise ValueError(
f"Diagonal elements must have a length that is a power of two, but got {size}."
nb_qubits = int(np.log2(size))
root = DiagPauliNode()
i_m = [False] * size
progression = [1, size] if print_progression else None
i_m, root, diags, nb_qubits, monomials, progression
return PauliString(monomials)
# TODO, to optimize
[docs]def generate_hadamard(n: int) -> npt.NDArray[np.int8]:
"""Generates a Hadamard matrix of size n x n.
n: The size of the Hadamard matrix, must be a power of 2.
The generated Hadamard matrix.
ValueError: If n is not a power of 2.
if n < 1:
lg2 = 0
lg2 = int(np.log2(n))
if 2**lg2 != n:
raise ValueError("n must be a power of 2")
H_matrix = np.array([[1]], dtype=np.int8)
for _ in range(lg2):
size = H_matrix.shape[0]
new_H = np.empty((2 * size, 2 * size), dtype=np.int8)
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
new_H[i, j] = H_matrix[i, j]
new_H[i + size, j] = H_matrix[i, j]
new_H[i, j + size] = H_matrix[i, j]
new_H[i + size, j + size] = -H_matrix[i, j]
H_matrix = new_H
return H_matrix
[docs]def compute_coefficients_walsh(
H_matrix: npt.NDArray[np.int8], diagonal_elements: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
) -> list[float]:
"""Computes the coefficients using the Walsh-Hadamard transform.
H_matrix: The Hadamard matrix.
diagonal_elements: The diagonal elements of the observable.
The computed coefficients.
coefs = []
inv = 1.0 / H_matrix.shape[0]
for i in range(H_matrix.shape[0]):
row_sum = 0.0
for j in range(H_matrix.shape[1]):
row_sum += H_matrix[i, j] * diagonal_elements[j]
coefs.append(row_sum * inv)
return coefs
def decompose_diagonal_observable_walsh_hadamard(
diag_elements: list[Real] | npt.NDArray[np.float64],
) -> PauliString:
"""Decomposes the observable represented by the diagonal elements into a
Pauli string using the Walsh-Hadamard transform.
diag_elements: The diagonal elements of the observable.
The corresponding Pauli string representation.
pauli_1q = [1 * I, 1 * Z]
basis: list[PauliStringMonomial] = pauli_1q
diags = np.array(diag_elements)
size = len(diags)
nb_qubits = int(np.log2(size))
for _ in range(nb_qubits - 1):
basis = [
p1 @ p2 for p1 in basis for p2 in pauli_1q
] # pyright: ignore[reportAssignmentType]
H_matrix = generate_hadamard(size)
coefs = compute_coefficients_walsh(H_matrix, diags)
final_monomials = []
for m, c in zip(basis, coefs):
assert isinstance(m, PauliStringMonomial)
if c != 0.0:
m.coef = c
return PauliString(final_monomials)