"""This module contains the tools to check if a result obtained by running the
circuit on one of our provider's device produce a result compatible with the
theory. (Which could itself be useful to find problems either in our code or in
our provider's code.)
In order to do so, :func:`theoretical_probs` performs a theoretical simulation
of a :class:`~mpqp.core.circuit.QCircuit`. The noise models in the circuit will
be taken into account (but not the shot noise).
This theoretical simulation will be compared against the execution on a
:class:`~mpqp.execution.devices.AvailableDevice` in :func:`exp_id_dist`. This
comparison is performed using a distance between statistical distribution called
the Jensen-Shannon distance.
If the distance is small enough, :func:`validate_noisy_circuit` will return
``True``, meaning that the empirical data is within the expected range.
The size of the trust interval is computed in :func:`trust_int` by computing the
Jensen-Shannon distance between a non noisy circuit and a noisy one. The idea
being that the more noise you have in a circuit, the bigger your trust interval
needs to be (the uncertainty is bigger).
The interval size is not linearly related with this distance so this needs to be
passed in a re-normalizing function before being used. This is the role
:func:`dist_alpha_matching` is playing."""
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.spatial.distance import jensenshannon
from typeguard import typechecked
from mpqp import QCircuit
from mpqp.execution import AvailableDevice, AWSDevice
from mpqp.execution.runner import _run_single # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]
from mpqp.measures import BasisMeasure
def amplitude(
circ: QCircuit,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.complex64]:
"""Computes the theoretical probabilities of a (potentially) noisy circuit
circ: The circuit to run.
The probabilities corresponding to each basis state.
d: int = 2**circ.nb_qubits
state = np.zeros((d), dtype=np.complex64)
state[0] = 1
gates = circ.gates
for gate in gates:
g = gate.to_matrix(circ.nb_qubits).astype(np.complex64)
state = g @ state
for noise in circ.noises:
if (
len(noise.gates) == 0
or type(gate) in noise.gates
and gate.connections().issubset(noise.targets)
state = sum(
k @ state
for k in noise.to_adjusted_kraus_operators(
gate.connections(), circ.nb_qubits
start=np.zeros(d, dtype=np.complex64),
connected_qubits = set().union(*[gate.connections() for gate in gates])
unconnected_qubits = set(range(circ.nb_qubits)).difference(connected_qubits)
for noise in circ.noises:
if len(noise.gates) == 0:
state = sum(
k @ state
for k in noise.to_adjusted_kraus_operators(
unconnected_qubits, circ.nb_qubits
start=np.zeros(d, dtype=np.complex64),
return state
def theoretical_probs(
circ: QCircuit,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float32]:
"""Computes the theoretical probabilities of a (potentially) noisy circuit
circ: The circuit to run.
The probabilities corresponding to each basis state.
d: int = 2**circ.nb_qubits
state = np.zeros((d, d), dtype=np.complex64)
state[0, 0] = 1
gates = circ.gates
for gate in gates:
g = gate.to_matrix(circ.nb_qubits).astype(np.complex64)
state = g @ state @ g.T.conj()
for noise in circ.noises:
if (
len(noise.gates) == 0
or type(gate) in noise.gates
and gate.connections().issubset(noise.targets)
state = sum(
k @ state @ k.T.conj()
for k in noise.to_adjusted_kraus_operators(
gate.connections(), circ.nb_qubits
start=np.zeros((d, d), dtype=np.complex64),
connected_qubits = set().union(*[gate.connections() for gate in gates])
unconnected_qubits = set(range(circ.nb_qubits)).difference(connected_qubits)
for noise in circ.noises:
if len(noise.gates) == 0:
state = sum(
k @ state @ k.T.conj()
for k in noise.to_adjusted_kraus_operators(
unconnected_qubits, circ.nb_qubits
start=np.zeros((d, d), dtype=np.complex64),
return state.diagonal().real
def dist_alpha_matching(alpha: float):
"""The trust interval is computed from the distance between the circuit
without noise and the noisy circuits probability distributions. This
interval depends on this distance in a non linear manner. This function
gives the relation between the two.
alpha: The distance Jensen-Shannon between the non noisy distribution
and the noisy distribution.
Diameter of the trust interval for the distance.
return np.sqrt(alpha)
# TODO: this bound it coming out of my ass, see if these results already in
# statistics. Some useful resources might be: Jensen inequality, Chernoff bound,
# ...
def trust_int(circuit: QCircuit):
"""Given a circuit, this computes the diameter of the trust interval for the
output samples given into consideration the noise in the circuit.
circuit: The circuit.
The size of the trust interval (related to the Jensen-Shannon distance).
noiseless_circuit = circuit.without_noises()
noiseless_probs = theoretical_probs(noiseless_circuit)
noisy_probs = theoretical_probs(circuit)
return dist_alpha_matching(float(jensenshannon(noiseless_probs, noisy_probs)))
def exp_id_dist(
circuit: QCircuit,
shots: int = 1024,
device: AvailableDevice = AWSDevice.BRAKET_LOCAL_SIMULATOR,
"""This function computes Jensen-Shannon the distance between the non noisy
distribution and the noisy distribution.
circuit: The circuit.
shots: Number of shots in the basis measurement.
device: The device to be tested.
The distance between the non noisy distribution and the noisy
noisy_probs = theoretical_probs(circuit)
noisy_circuit = circuit.without_measurements()
mpqp_counts = _run_single(noisy_circuit, device, {}).counts
return float(jensenshannon(mpqp_counts, noisy_probs * sum(mpqp_counts)))
def validate_noisy_circuit(
circuit: QCircuit,
shots: int = 1024,
device: AvailableDevice = AWSDevice.BRAKET_LOCAL_SIMULATOR,
) -> bool:
"""Validates our noise pipeline for a circuit.
circuit: The circuit (with potential noises).
shots: Number of shots in the basis measurement.
device: The device to be tested.
Weather our noise pipeline matches the theory or not.
return bool(exp_id_dist(circuit, shots, device) <= trust_int(circuit))
def exp_id_dist_excess(circuit: QCircuit, shots: int = 1024) -> float:
"""Computes the gap between theory and our noise pipeline for a circuit.
circuit: The circuit (with potential noises).
shots: Number of shots in the basis measurement.
The gap between:
1. the distance between theory and our results;
2. and the trust interval.
return abs(exp_id_dist(circuit, shots) - trust_int(circuit))
if __name__ == "__main__":
from mpqp.all import *
gates = [
Rx(1.2324, 2),
Ry(-2.43, 0),
Rz(1.04, 1),
Rk(-1, 0),
P(-323, 2),
U(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 2),
SWAP(2, 1),
CNOT(0, 1),
CZ(1, 2),
probs = [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
xs = sum(([elt] * 6 for elt in probs), start=[])
shots_vals = [500, 1_000, 5_000, 10_000, 50_000, 100_000]
ys = shots_vals * 6
dists = np.array(
exp_id_dist_excess(QCircuit(gates + [Depolarizing(prob)]), shots)
for prob in probs
for shots in shots_vals
ax = Axes3D(plt.figure())
surf = ax.plot_trisurf(xs, np.log(ys), dists)
ax.set_yticks(np.log(ys), map(str, ys))